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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Nothing on this album will be that far out…all of her songs will still have a certain familiarity. She’s not exactly going to step out with a punk rock song and heavy metal here she’s not that dynamic production wise. It’s still gonna be similar to LFL, similar to Norman, Similar to BB, born to die etc
  2. Everyone thinking that Sean guy is who she’s talking about….but it’s probably one of her other 10 boyfriends from Tulsa we don’t know about.
  3. What did this guy do to he?
  4. Wish Lana would do a Q&A or something..a live. She seemed genuinely scared on the last impromptu live Charlie made her do. Poor women is terrified of the media putting a spin on something.
  5. ChaoticLipster


    Agree with you, disappointed with her recent music. Elon seems to have sucked her soul out.
  6. ChaoticLipster


    I don’t think it’s all ageism though, I think she acts cringy and tries too hard to be hip and cool. She had a long time at the top and it’s the natural order of things for success to dwindle. Some of it may be her ability to relate to the public these days.
  7. I hope The Grants isn’t some lovey-dovey song…I want a bit of fire in there some ‘fuck you patty, you were never a mother to me it’s you who needed the lithium’.
  8. I think it’s unlikely as I’m sure BOZ or some else said ‘only original songs’ she might drop a covers album in the near future with Take me Home so fingers crossed 🤞🏻
  9. GPSOTSOMFWHDSF Great poetics, singers of the soul, songs of my mother, flowers wild, heavenly dancing sun fading.
  10. I’m sorry I just see an opportunity to bring Jack up and I can’t resist… I need help I fear
  11. Rick is a master, he makes Jack look like a lazy teenager tbh with his recycled production techniques. Rick runs circles around Jack.
  12. BOZ sounds like he should develop a board guessing game and sell it on amazon…seeing as he loves games so much.
  13. It’s a shame she doesn’t do proper lives anymore, I think it’s because she get’s bothered by comments and is still feeling really vulnerable from all the stalker shit…so wants a low profile.
  14. I’m not sure how exactly, the music may be great, but what is she doing that is vastly different?? Tunnel is good song but it’s not in a different realm to what she’s done before..she’s changed a few things up and added some production not started a new movement. So I’m really curious what he means, perhaps the rest of the album is really wild in comparison.
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