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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Don’t really care about getting a number 1 but how successful miley is depends on her singles. She doesn’t exactly sell 300k in the first week.
  2. One things for sure…god’s gonna find me floating on the shores if we get no new info within the next few weeks.
  3. ChaoticLipster


    No, but not everyone is ‘in love’ she likely just got an opportunity to be with someone who is super rich and took it I can’t blame her. I’m not sure she really realised the consequences of dating him though and how much it would effect her.
  4. Don’t understand why a record label would block a music video which promotes the music they sell. Can anyone explain that to me? Cause I don’t buy it. I honestly think she didn’t want to release it because her label didn’t give her a big budget for it and wasn’t happy with the results so she shelved the video.
  5. ChaoticLipster


    *dates richest man on earth* ‘omg I don’t want the attention, this is a battle 😢’ If you don’t want attention don’t create it, their are billions of people to date but she choose someone who would create attention and is problematic. Now she seems to have lost her Mojo for music and the motivation to make and produce it.
  6. Have to snort something to be a Sky stan
  7. What amazes me is how she get’s acting jobs and magazine features….she does nothing else
  8. I know she does, but she seems all over the place to the point this seems more than anxiety. It just doesn’t sound like we getting the full story.
  9. I guess someones got to be the martyr around here ….I seen her perform live last year and I’d pay you to find one person who didn’t think she was on something. She looked erratic as fuck and out of it.
  10. Don’t do Heroin kids…you won’t ever get shit done again
  11. Billie Ellish finding her way on any ‘greatest’ list is embarrassing. Girl probably won’t even be relevant in 3 years, she’s Lorde 2.0 with less talent. Taylor on this list too? Lmao
  12. Lana’s outburst at fans reminds me of a mother who’s yelling at her kids to shut the fuck up in Walmart. Lol
  13. She did not just say being a slut 💀
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