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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Wow…..poor Lana. But you honestly need your devices backed up to cloud and encrypted to shit these days. I’m surprised she didn’t do this after the last time she was robbed. Chances are the person took the stuff, wiped it and then sold it on.
  2. Abel would never have had Lana mumbling in the background…..it’s such an insult to an authentic and vocally recognisable artist like Lana. Imagine putting someone like Adele in the background it’s the same thing.
  3. Slut is too far…but the rest is quite valid tbh I find her contrived..very calculating…you seen that when she was trying to bring down Katy.
  4. Rob treats Ben like his son it’s kind of adorable
  5. Free Sky Ferreira!! ….from herself
  6. Should be printed as a book one day
  7. It’s funny how her singles seem to mirror what’s actually happening with her… everything is embarrassing - definitely true an understatement if anything Downhill Lullaby - because it’s definitely been all downhill with her for the most part Don’t Forget - because most have actually forgotten about her except for a deluded few
  8. I like to think when she’s very quiet she’s also very busy working on stuff
  9. That’s why the Grammys are a complete sham they often just give awards to who’s popular at the moment and completely ignore some very talented artists. When Billie won like 5 awards at once (she deserved 1or 2) it really shown what a scam the whole thing was.
  10. The album is done and I firmly believe most of the visuals, album cover and music videos are done too…what else has she been doing the last 6-8 months after all ? Now it’s all about a date that works with herself and her label. I think singles will definitely come before the year is out at the minimum.
  11. BOZ probably jerking off to all the comments about him…we don’t need another leaker with a superiority complex.
  12. Yeah.. no Ellie album could ever come close to a masterpiece it’s not her. Lorde is the only one capable and she works with Jack. And we know she has a new album in the works. Although BOZ and his definition of masterpiece might be quite weak.
  13. Not sure if I should move or sit down again on this thread
  14. Maybe it’s still for the album like the other covers she’s done…but wow one of my favourite country songs
  15. Who else is Jack producing for? Lorde? He’s been factual about many things, he’s just vague
  16. I’d like to think BOZ is talking about Lana….it must be good if he’s this blown away by it. It’s also possible Lana is releasing a single soon and album in December to capitalise on the Taylor song…as Taylor fans will be checking Lana out more.
  17. It sounded like he’s dodging questions as @Rorman Nockwell pointed out. So I’m not entirely sure he’s changed.
  18. Yes sorry it was…I was a little annoyed at her and it came out
  19. Disappointed she continues to associate with homophobes despite having a large percentage of gay fans. Makes me wonder what she really thinks deep down. I know she’s been encouraged by her other ‘Real Housewives’ friends who have shit for brains to attend, along with AA. You can’t question her on anything as she will just get defensive and pissed off…I’ve never seen her apologise before only dig herself a bigger grave. She’s quite problematic and I’m beginning to see why her mother raged at her sometimes..because she never listened to anyone and did dumb things.
  20. I can’t at another fucking birthday video…she’s doing this on purpose
  21. If it’s the lead single Lana is going to get a number 1 and maybe a grammy….not a taylor fan but I will be if she does that.
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