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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Not acknowledging the 10th anniversary was one of the most disrespectful things she’s done, even if she hated the album she should have said something at the minimum. People have bought and supported BTD all this time it’s a special album for many of her fans and still on the chart to this day. She should have done a re-release no doubt about it, Ben fell asleep again on this one. Her mind and behaviour baffles me sometimes.
  2. This is bad for LGBT people as they will allow more hate speech and label it under ‘free speech’.
  3. I fear we won’t ever get that Lana back. She seems quite settled on the ballady minimal piano songs.
  4. ChaoticLipster

    Taylor Swift

    Alanis Morrissette did it way better though
  5. What are we her parents? Leave all the negativity and personal remarks to patty. It’s Lana’s business if she smokes or not.
  6. But her grandmother worked for Micheal Jackson !!!
  7. ChaoticLipster

    Taylor Swift

    Fair score, it isn’t really a masterpiece by a long shot. 1989 was way better and I’m not a huge Taylor fan.
  8. Are these new or old songs
  9. Ugh I just know we not gonna see an album till March- May, I just know what she’s like. My hope is all on the singles. The way she said ‘it’s not coming out yet so don’t listen to it’. Was her signalling that it isn’t coming soon soon.
  10. ChaoticLipster

    Taylor Swift

    Well we all have different taste I guess…
  11. Can someone clarify that the album is backed up obviously on Jacks end and the studio? Because sky news just quoted’ The singer added that she was "confident" the book and the album will eventually be released, but that she does have to effectively "start over" with both projects.‘ please tell me she doesn’t have to record the record again
  12. ChaoticLipster

    Taylor Swift

    I feel like she was always going to release a deluxe, but she spun it into another marketing thing to get more attention. She’s clever like that, always had her head screwed on as a business women.
  13. ChaoticLipster

    Taylor Swift

    So the ‘crazy surprise’ was her releasing a deluxe version of the album….okaay
  14. Lana is like a mouse..she wants as least public attention as possible. Not sure how anyone could come to the conclusion it’s a publicity stunt? Obviously don’t know her very well.
  15. ChaoticLipster

    Taylor Swift

    The critic reviews sound like they’ve been written at gunpoint under Taylors team. I’ve been negative of her, but I’m not a hater. The album is a 7 at best. It’s nothing spectacular like they are making out. I dislike the over the top praise more than Taylor and her music.
  16. I won’t lie it would be hard not to listen to songs and albums if they leak. I don’t have great self control, but on the other hand it may ruin the experience when she does release it. So I won’t make any promises Lana but I will try my best.
  17. She added those songs as fillers let’s face it. I don’t believe she added them because they had some special meaning to the album.
  18. ChaoticLipster

    Taylor Swift

    The album is so not it, she sounds like a teenage girl. Time to grow up Taylor…the lyrics are so cringe. The public will lap it up though because it’s ‘Taylor’.
  19. I don’t get it…I pay for cloud and other software but Lana the millionaire can’t? Come on girl. I hope this makes her come to her senses.
  20. Wow…..poor Lana. But you honestly need your devices backed up to cloud and encrypted to shit these days. I’m surprised she didn’t do this after the last time she was robbed. Chances are the person took the stuff, wiped it and then sold it on.
  21. Abel would never have had Lana mumbling in the background…..it’s such an insult to an authentic and vocally recognisable artist like Lana. Imagine putting someone like Adele in the background it’s the same thing.
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