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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Vinyls get on my nerves I think she should release them at a later date 3 months after digital release snd CD. Having only a digital release is a bad idea though, fans would be more disappointed. She should at least do an art book cd with a download code…like Lorde did.
  2. Doesn’t he always post a rocket emoji? I always took it as just meaning launching soon What I do want is the vocals from summertime…those were next level
  3. We all know everything Lana say’s should be taken with a pinch of salt, it’s as if she’s got ADHD where she starts something and can’t finish it and can be very indecisive.
  4. Bout time he did it again then, someone show him what a guitar looks like please
  5. My critique is purely about just change of direction, not that anything Jacks done is bad. But he’s a bit one dimensional as a producer…
  6. The I could have sworn this visualiser was something from 2003 if nobody told me
  7. Jacks I’m just bored of, I find it irritating just looking at him lately. Lana it’s time to use other talented producers. Jack needs rest
  8. Ugh the snippets already stuck in my head and I’ve only listened to it 4x. She best not make us wait 6 months to hear it.
  9. Track 14 track I claim, the final track. The best album closer she’s ever done a powerful ballad with incredible production. Song of the year grammy nominated.
  10. I hope for a traditional album out, a single with a big music video, teasers etc
  11. Really? 😞. Comforting I’m not the only one who feels this way.
  12. I hope this isn’t inappropriate but always have anxiety before Lana releases music, like I’m not going to be alive for it? I’m not suicidal or anything. I can’t really explain it. Like I always hope it isn’t too long away so I get to hear it. Maybe it’s depression speaking I dunno, health has been poor lately maybe that. So the whole things making me feel mixed emotions.
  13. Think it was probably mastering of the record and final listen?
  14. Now the dusts settled a little on the snippet I’m in two minds, it’s beautiful but it is still piano the same as what we’ve had for 2 or 3 albums now…but we’ve barely heard it nor may it be representative of the whole album. I just really hope we hear guitars and some more production heavy songs.
  15. Omg it’s a clue it rhymes - Rockefeller my Umbrella album coming in September
  16. I’m not getting out of bed for snippets or 75kbps audio quality…I want full leaks…Aka descending.
  17. It’s a stupid user score, and Demi’s album is the best now? Lmao that shows you what a complete load of irrelevant shit this list is.
  18. One day I’m going to log on here and the thread will have changed title to the album name …what a moment that will be.
  19. What if it’s Del Norte Coast? That makes better sense
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