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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Omg it’s a clue it rhymes - Rockefeller my Umbrella album coming in September
  2. I’m not getting out of bed for snippets or 75kbps audio quality…I want full leaks…Aka descending.
  3. It’s a stupid user score, and Demi’s album is the best now? Lmao that shows you what a complete load of irrelevant shit this list is.
  4. One day I’m going to log on here and the thread will have changed title to the album name …what a moment that will be.
  5. What if it’s Del Norte Coast? That makes better sense
  6. three songs to represent the new album would be: Dance Till We Die (bridge) Venice Bitch Heroin choose 3 songs from lana discography what kind of songs production/vibe wise you would NOT want for LDR9: Sweet Caroline Change Let me Love you like a women
  7. I like Fine China but like many of her songs some of them can drag on and don’t really go anywhere. Like they have poor construction and are overly long. Fine China would be better if it was like 4 mins tops.
  8. A surprise release would probably give me a heart attack
  9. Had a dream last night, that one of you hacked her website and revealed the album cover and merch. Cover kind of looked like a Ultraviolence still..black and white. The album name was really long as fuck something like ‘The Sacred Native American’s and the Founding Father's that Betrayed them’.
  10. We gonna need some straitjacket’s soon…we are already descending into madness and we don’t even have an album title.
  11. I want to vomit every time Ben say’s soon or’ nearing completion’ it’s like he knows it torments us
  12. One minute we speculating release dates being July….then we wondering if she’s even still alive.
  13. Blue Heaven sounds so generic it might be true….maybe ‘Blue Heaven Baby’ a wonderful lazy title for Lana.
  14. Don’t say that, we need to use reverse psychology. Praying for Piano ballads and Let me Love You like A women 2.0!
  15. Lana’s new album will also contain Music! 😒 seriously these people need a job
  16. Is there an album where she didn’t scrap everything and start again?
  17. Always liked this photo, got bored and made a mock single/album cover
  18. I really hope the album cover isn’t black and white, color please.
  19. Some comments saying Lana is obese on twitter…she is clearly not obese and even if she was nobody deserves to be vilified and called names. Why she’s edited her photo’s I don’t know, but it does worry me she’s not comfortable in her body. Even though I don’t agree obesity should be celebrated or should be considered normal (because that sends the wrong message) when it’s clearly extremely unhealthy- even in this situation you do not fat shame people or vilify them. Weight is personal and nothing to do with anyone else.
  20. I think you all have a one dimensional view of country music. She’s not gonna come out with some generic county pop. It’s gonna be more rock, folk alternative country. I adore another artist Lissie and she is country , folk rock - suggest you all go listen to her she’s amazing. So if it’s anything like that I’m very excited. I still also think DNC= Del Norte County
  21. The ‘her label is stopping her’ they are not stopping her, It’s because she wants more money for music videos and promotion and won’t accept no. So she sulks and doesn’t do anything, and capitol let her rot because she’s a small fish to them.
  22. Maybe Sky Ferreira is an M. Night Shyamalan project and she’s just an actress
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