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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. That is removing yourself though. How can you access Twitter or Instagram if it’s not even on your phone! It’s probably better than deactivating because as soon as you log in it reactivates lol This is purely about her not wanting critics and others reading her social media and creating narratives, I’m also guessing she has several business deals I don’t know with who, but she wants to hide anything controversial and this is what she meant by ‘transparency’. She doesn’t want anything visible that could give the wrong impression. But lack of social media presence can harm the connection she has with her fans in the long term…I’ve seen it with Lorde and other artists. So I hope for everyones sake she returns within a few months once she’s wrapped up her business deals. I’d be surprised if a psychologist advised this, they’d likely discuss how she can emotionally cope better with being a popular musician and how to manage the negativity better, seldom would they say run away from it all and pretend the world doesn’t exist..they’d suggest some distance …but you don’t need to pay a psychologist to advise that. But a common theme with her fans is that it’s never Lana’s problem in anything she does it’s everyone else’s. She’s poor at taking responsibility for anything or doing something more constructive to address her issues. She fucked up with Questions for the culture and wasn’t really capable of seeing she was wrong and when to apologise which is disappointing.
  2. Yeah she can do what she like’s it doesn’t bother me. Although personally I think it’s better to learn how to cope with criticism rather then hide from it, surely this doesn’t help in the long term as eventually she will see or read something negative regardless of what she does. You can’t be a musician and live in an echo chamber always hearing nice things. She also kind of started it herself with Questions for the culture...and prolonged it.
  3. I find the whole thing bizarre she could just delete twitter and Instagram off her phone and leave it active. If she’s that affected by critics and the media maybe she should see a celebrity psychologist or something.
  4. I’m not too worried because she often goes months without really saying anything significant apart from the odd birthday message and random insta photo. I’m guessing she just hates the criticism side of things when albums get released and it affects her well-being and creative process. So it’s probably better for her to get away from it all while the album drops.
  5. She’s so chaotic, makes my borderline personality look like nothing at times lol
  6. I love when release day comes and I have like 8 parcels to open…it’s like Christmas
  7. She makes me feel so ugly omg
  8. Only took her two days to post the link to the music video
  9. Yeah no way is she going away or stopping, or changing her name. Because that would be like Lady Gaga calling herself Stefani …you are destroying your image and brand, how you are known. I think Lana might slow down with album releases but I’d not be surprised if in 15 years time she will have another 8 albums.
  10. So the other songs on the album like black bathing suit, If You Lie Down with Me, Beautiful ..are these piano ballads or trap? Is she gonna speed things up after the interlude?
  11. A new story of fire a fury, trap beats and songs that will make Cherry look pathetic
  12. Ugh I just want a song like the interlude so badly….The return Of the Bad Bitch Lana Del Rey
  13. I still don’t know what’s she’s saying ‘my lips like the falicks of bay veiw’ ??? It’s probably life is beautiful
  14. Honeymoon is definitely better, much more interesting production wise and lyrics, layering and better at creating an atmosphere .. Also the imagery for that album was amazing. I started to feel a little bored with the COCC ballads, now I’m really tired off them on BB. But I appreciate Lana can do what she wants and I just know she will have more albums where she will again shake things up with more production and different sounds.
  15. I want paradise level production, it definitely has more richness but it’s lacking something. It needs more instrumentation. It needs strings or something more to lift it further. I don’t like the minimal approach she’s been using lately. That would be a dream, please god let this happen. When I heard the interlude I knew it was exactly what direction I wanted her to go in.
  16. I think all the songs will be ballads apart from Thunder and Dealer, personally I’m bored stiff of piano ballads from her…this seems like an unpopular opinion here as most seem to really love the ballads. Arcadia is very beautiful but it isn’t particularly interesting production wise. Maybe an unpopular opinion again but I really wish she’d inject some trap into her albums again and songs with more fiery energy.
  17. 1 hour!!! omg it’s happening. My depression is about to be cured
  18. I always felt cherry blossom getting released was inevitable. Problem is I actually prefer the version with more production, you know the dancing wedding video on YT. The full version is cute but kind of lacklustre in comparison.
  19. On the phone to my bank asking if they can extend my credit limit to buy ‘essentials’ Who’s to say 5 different variations of BB vinyls isn’t an essential?
  20. You did a good job with the edit that’s all I will say
  21. I like Yosemite but I agree Dealer is a bit of a mess tbh…
  22. Shit I actually said October 8th just like the other day. Also love the alternate headshot cover…wish that was the actual cover. What about the exclusive covers which feature cars?
  23. Yippee 5 more unknown piano ballads to look forward to on top of 7 songs we already have Oh well at least Arcadia will be beautiful
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