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Everything posted by Edelgard

  1. VB is still my clear fave of the 3 Crimson & clover honey
  2. Idk how to feel about HTD yet. I think it's gonna be better as the studio version with the instrumental we heard in the live, it could be a 6+ minute song too.
  3. sorry i have to go to work in 5 minutes so i cant catch up but this forum is blowing up, did HTD release??
  4. because that's literally the world we live in. where women are sexualized from a young age. and she is a woman in that world. it's not my favorite song of hers by any means. but there's a difference between her making songs like that and a real man sexualizing a 16 year old. be smart now.
  5. cool, way to normalize the culture in which girls are already sexualized from a way too young age. i'm not comfortable w shit like that. and i know lana shouldn't be either.
  6. i don't want this pedo anywhere near her album. i dont care if the song's good or bad.
  7. she's become such a white girl. i miss mysterious Lana.
  8. he said he'd fuck Eminems daughter when she was a minor. Lana deserves so much better.
  9. if it's old, why she posting now, huh??? tuesday new single confirmed. i wish. ugh. she needs to stop making me crazy.
  10. how tf dare you slander ITH
  11. looks like she's on a stage? with the swings. she might be recreating the 'tourlyfe'
  12. that song is rapey af yikes
  13. <3 i hope this will be on NFR
  14. I want a song that sounds like Florida Kilos but isn't about cocaine
  15. I guess I do still hope that she addresses the issues with Børns & A$AP though. Or at least not support them anymore.
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