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Everything posted by Edelgard

  1. ikr but it feels really anti-feminist to tell a woman to start wearing make up again lol
  2. love how she went from 'i care more about outer space than feminism' and here we fucking are i love this
  3. I just need better visuals for these masterpieces. The cover of VB is literally a picture I could have taken with my phone if I went to LA. I wanna see her serving Venice vibes
  4. nothing is or can be better then Cruel World and even thinking that will just set you up for disappointment
  5. the second half of the song is the best thing i ever heard in my life
  6. i think i might be crying real tears
  7. is there a link to the interview? been working a 6hr shift this is all too muchhh nvm it's literally 3 posts ahead
  8. I need answers on Yosemite and I need them now. I won't be mad if Yosemite is on the new album, even though it's an old song. I just need the song.
  9. woat single cover ever i really hope she has something cool for VB but i guess she's gonna rock that 'no make up' look the entire album cycle.
  10. ok this snippet makes it sound like this song is gonna fucking take off. it might even be better after the snippet we heard. or it might we worse. I remember getting super hyped over WTWWAWWKD & Freak just by the snippet and the actual song being kinda disappointing but I have hope.
  11. Poor Lana, still seen as the sad girl, but if you really listen to her lyrics it's just the men around her that are sad (MAC, ITH, SOC, BB.. ), which brings her down too. I believe she's inherently a happy person, or just a normal girl looking for happiness but finds it in the wrong places (Ride). Must be hard to break out of that persona once people have established you that way. I hope MAC does that for her, since it's a more mainstream release than the other songs.
  12. oh sweetie. this is what we thought with Coachella. Except MAC is actually amazing and should be on the album.
  13. so glad i bought the vinyl + the CD and both with different accounts (so i got two pre-sale codes, a little life hack lol)
  14. anyone who has been to Sportpaleis and can tell me the best seats? (is lower bleachers ok?)
  15. San Junipero is so great. Glad it won an Emmy.
  16. if she comes to Ams I'll def go but I highly doubt she'll charge that much. maybe someone fucked up currency rates? concerts never cost that much. maybe if you have the best possible seats but in the Ziggo Dome for example you have a lot of different places that have different prices.
  17. any info if/when Lana is appearing on another magazine or is that whole thing done for now?
  18. yesss <3 she better come to the Netherlands or one of the neighbor countries
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