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Everything posted by Edelgard

  1. i might prefer the album version of FILY I prefered the "demo" version of SB as well
  2. Let’s see if I can cry to California before my thesis defense tomorrow
  3. It seems kinda weird that Bol.com would have an exclusive Vinyl lmaoIm not complaining tho but
  4. Does NZ even get it earlier I feel that’s never the case w Lana music
  5. I got LFL a day before the release date The warehouse fucked up Hoping the same happens altho i dont have a cd player now
  6. Lmao it begins Somewhere there has to be a store gullible enough
  7. I am literally living for March 2020 Anyone else play Stardew too?
  8. The more i listen and rewind, and slow it down, the more I’m convinced it’s jazzBut then again it’s Just too vague to hear and the running out of time doesn’t make sense
  9. so the lyrics on AM are shit too we'll never know whether it's chances in LA or drugs in my veins
  10. what does that even mean isn't it chances in LA, it makes more sense
  11. doesnt apple music usually come with lyrics? i still have no idea what she says in the last minutes of FILY but i dont have AM
  12. So if any of you still thinks she’s retiring, she definitely confirmed she isn’t
  13. FILY in HQ sounds so much more haunting I’m excited to hear it tomorrow for real
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