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Everything posted by Limelight

  1. I feel conflicted. I love that she's touring again, but at the same time I'm nervous about her coming to Paris. I mean, I hope she chooses a big venue (not Olympia, PLEASE) otherwise no show for me (the site will probably crash and tickets will be sold out in minutes. I was at the front row on the two times I saw her and I always get nervous about it lel (will I be there or not?)
  2. Tags:women, sexy, music, entertainment, hot, brunette, magazine article
  3. Like cute, all dressed up girls in real life don't get raped. It's a music video(or whatever), what did you expect. And why the fuck does it matter? You guys keep finding all these stupid things to say
  4. You know nothing about my life or that of my family, but someone close to me was unfortunately sexually harrassed but that doesn't mean a stupid video like this one will trigger her or me. I can't see no glamorising of rape in this video and tbh, just people some people could be triggered (even by something stupid like this) does that mean we should not discuss or show these problems? Take a fucking seat.
  5. Some of you guys are sensitive pussies. I just watched the video and I see no glamorizing of rape. Some people sigh
  6. Limelight

    Lana Facts

    She worked as a waitress in NYC (correct me if I'm mistaken). She loved it but (i dont remember who) said she used to be a horrible one
  7. Who's on the island here? I like it but I just feel like having an iam community in weird lel They'll be released eventually, you just have to wait then
  8. Still nothing. I'm so pissed. So much for preordering it. uhh Edit: Got my code an hour ago and I am finally downloading the files! They are huge
  9. Oh, I just assumed you paid in euros too xd I still haven't gotten my code. I sent an email to the label and they told me to check my spam. I sent another one saying I still got nothing and they responded by saying they'll get back to me soon :/ I feel lefted out. Well, considering the content they'll release is supposed to only be shared with Islanders, I understand them. And they do have the right to do so, I mean, they are not forced to release anything else. I do think everyone should buy the album (either the Island version or the physical one) but it was known since the beginning that the Island package would have way more stuff, so it was pretty much one's choice of what one thinks is the most important. I chose the Island because I could care less about having a cd I'll forget in a drawer.
  10. We should all respect that but I know some assholes will probably upload stuff to youtube or whatever u_u And why 25$ for the digital version? I only paid 20.
  11. That albino betch better send me my code soon She looks gorgeous on the recent pics. Going to bed and hope I'll be able to visit Island soon.
  12. Is that sarcasm? xd I think you're supposed to go to the island on a boat from what I've seen. I'm so mad rn tbh, I still haven't gotten to code and a lot of people got it 10 hours ago. So not worth preordering it if I have to wait ages to get the login
  13. I don't think the bsides count but if the content they put exclusively on the Island leaks, they wont be releasing stuff anymore. So just buy the Island pass y'all
  14. I'm still waiting for my code, wtf And I'm not sharing anything: "To whom it may concern.: all content of BLUE and all other downloads. yes you can share kin lyrics. the only thing we don’t allow is sharing of the exclusive additional material taht was created for this island alone To whom it may concern.: so to clarify: if the island additional content leaks, forthcoming additional material will not be released on the island which will result in the island disolving itself”
  15. I still haven't gotten my access code. wtf
  16. Buy the Island package, guys I still haven't received my login and I'll soon go work, so I'll only be able to check out Island in 7 hours u_u
  17. What? I thought it was 00:00 between the 9th and 10th, not the 10th and 11th
  18. I remember ages ago that in one interview she mentioned one line from G&M and I wanted it sooo bad. When the snippet video came out, it was stuck in my head until the EP leaked. One of her best songs ever.
  19. I want them now I bought Island so whatever
  20. Where are the videos? Even Ripple is slaying me rn
  21. Limelight

    Azealia Banks

    Azealia deserves the recognition she's getting. We've come so far I'll try
  22. Limelight

    Azealia Banks

    It bugs me though :/
  23. Limelight

    Azealia Banks

    I really love it. The only thing that bothers me is how her flow is the SAME in Luxury and Miss Camaraderie u_u
  24. She's going to play in London but I don't have the money to go there AND buy a ticket. She has to come to Paris. It's the 7th!!!! Maybe we'll get the videos later?
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