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Everything posted by Limelight

  1. I think I relate more to her "sadness" and how she's empty when she doesn't have love in her life. Love is very important to me, and I do want to find comfort inica a relationship. Idk, I think it's the passion and devotion she feels towards her men. I'm not saying I'm be submissive and etc but if I truly loved a guy I'd feel like that (and if I lost him, well, I would relate even more). Another important thing is the melancholy.. Melancholy is the feeling I like the most (it's just so beautiful) and I do feel like I should be somewhere else. I don't relate to any of the drug references tbh, I only drink occasionally and I haven't smoked weed in ages ( starting again soon though ), but other than that I don't want to try other ones. I also don't relate to the American symbols, richness, etc.
  2. Yeah, the one from the trailer
  3. @@butterflies I know you already know about this but come here anyway xd I don't care about producers that much, I'm just happy we're getting another song.
  4. I told myself I won't listen to the snippet anymore xd Bounty is making me alive rn so I can wait a bit.
  5. When will Blue Blue be released??? O, Y and T are slaying my life rn. I've liked them for a long time now but now I can't stop thinking about these songs.
  6. You, Mister: She says: " And I, close my eyes tight" I hear: "And I close my ass tight"
  7. Serial Killer How do you see yourself in 10 years?
  8. Limelight

    Acronym Game

    Fucked my yummy friend Joe. ( xd) tcghj
  9. I might xd At what time will she most likely arrive?
  10. Will you even be in France? It's not in October, it's next Monday lol
  11. Limelight

    Azealia Banks

    It's neither mine but I don't have any problems with memoringz + singing songs, but this ":)" talk is hard to understand some times xd ( and keep up with it too). I find that 212 and Liquorice are easier to sing than 1991 and Van Vogue ( I can only sing some lines for the last two, even with the lyrics hahaha). She sounds soo good that i don't even care xd
  12. Limelight

    Azealia Banks

    Trying to memorize 1991's lyrics but it's impossible xd Does any of u guys know the lyrics by heart?
  13. Omg, 212 is #7. SLAY, AZEALIAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ( I don't agree with the others though. And why are Beyonce songs so high??)
  14. Good interview! It sucks that she suffers from gastric ulcer ( I have stomach problems too) Giiirl, take some medicine! And it would be great to go to the movie theater and see Lana wearing a wedding dress, eating oranges and sucking people's fingers xd Good interview! It sucks that she suffers from gastric ulcer ( I have stomach problems too) Giiirl, take some medicine! And it would be great to go to the movie theater and see Lana wearing a wedding dress, eating oranges and sucking people's fingers xd
  15. Limelight


    I will give a listen to her discography but Anyway is taking all my time rn
  16. There are just tooooo many. Here's one nobody has mentioned ( I think) : Butterflies. Btw, when you say all of her albums do you also mean Sirens, Quiet Now, etc? Cuz if you haven't listen to them! There's also Betty Boop Boop, which is in my opinion Lana's best song ever.
  17. Limelight


    Anyways is really growing on me : O And that's amazing of her to post here
  18. Limelight


    I didn't know gaga had turned black : O (xd) I did like the song! I'll def check her others out. Btw, am I the only one who though about pkm? : http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Moxie_(Ability) .
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