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Everything posted by Limelight

  1. Buy stuff for my studio* lol. It's a shame we'll not get a dvd of the show :giveup:
  2. I know but I won't be able to go. The tickets are already sold out for the artRave ( tried to buy it and it was a mess). But you see, everything is so expensive there and I still need to buy stuff for my stuff and pay lots of stuff, meaning I can't afford to spend my money on them... I am not that sad about Lana because I've already gone to her concert in Geneva ( and got pics, etc). And artRave looks amazing ( I have the feeling BTWB was better though).
  3. I'm moving to Paris in August but won't be able to see either Lana or Gaga. Crying :giveup:
  4. SoC is the best one! I also love WC and UV, although I am not happy with the produced for the latter one.
  5. It doesn't look anything like Lana xd.
  6. I'm worried about her I do hope doctors find out what she has so she can get better.
  7. The live performance slayed me, but I am not really feeling the studio version (yet!). I'm currently listening to it for the first time and I already like it, but I'm sure it will grow more on me after a couple of listens. I just think she shouldn't have used so much effect on the song.
  8. Lady Gaga ( EVERYTHING :hor:) iamamiwhoami ( she is everything. Listen to Fountain, Vista, Goods, Play, Idle Talk, Server) La Roux ( her album with the same name is perfect) ( Quicksand,In For The Kill, Bulletproof, Colourless Colour, I'm Not Your Toy) Tom Odell ( I Know, Another Love) Amy Winehouse ( Her Back To Black Album>>> Listen to You Know I'm No Good, Back To Black, Valerie, Wake Up Alone, the whole album tbh) Marina And The Diamonds ( Teen Idle, Sex Yeah, Valley Of The Dools, Primadonna, Lies. The Electra Heart album)
  9. Him talking made me cringe so much xd Lana's music also helped me through a terrible period in my life ( had to be gome-schooled due to problems at school, no friends, depressed, etc) but in no way I'd do something so awkward as this video. Lana is amazing and such a wonderful person. I feel blessed for having met her :giveup: Had the same thought xd
  10. And so was I lol. Critics are still people, and I seriously don't know why she cares that much about them when there are thousands of people who go to her concerts, love her music, etc. Like, she should just ignore the haters and focus on the people who recognize her artistry.
  11. I loved the interview! It's kind of the same questions asked again but I love her answers, like always. There is just something that I don't like: She is always saying how a lot of people hate her songs, etc, but I have a feeling she she gives more importance to that than to her fans ( there are many) ( and it may be something she does unwillingly or not)
  12. I love the song!!! This record will be perfect :giveup: And can we talk about how beautiful she looks in that black dress??
  13. Yeah, it is different with Lana xd. I am sure I was one of the few who knew the way she sings her songs live. "but a crowd that sings very loud can be annoying if it covers the artist's voice." This can turn out to be a problem and I agree with what you said. When I say people should sing, it doesn't even need to be loudly: I personally do not have a loud voice, but I still sang it. I personally feel more of a connection singing than remaining quiet Lana came to me at the end of the concert and I'm sure it was because I actually did something ( she did look at me lots of times, considering I was the only one singing on my side of the venue).
  14. It's a valide opinion, but it must be sooo boring to the artist. I remember Lana saying "You guys are amazing, it's so fun today, etc" but she was obviously not happy. Just watch her concert in Sao Paulo and you will see how happy she + everybody was. The concert is the only time you can interact with the artist and you choose to just stare lol. For me it is a waste of money.
  15. I went to her concert in Geneva, so I can help you. Arrive as early as you can ( I arrived at 12:30 and there were only 20 people, but she has become more famous, so~) and bring enough water and food for the day. I am as tall as you ( a bit more I guess) and I can tell you that being tall on the first row is amazing, because I could literally put all of my upper-body past the barrier ( and got to take pics with Lana twice because I was easy to spot lol). I don't know if your show will be organized, but in case it isn't, run as fast as you can and don't be scared to push others ( it felt like I was in the middle of a battlefield xd). When you get to the front, spread your arms while you hold the barrier to secure places for the girls . Good luck and have fun! Just one last thing: If you really like her + know the lyrics, PLEASE sing the songs. I'm not European but while in Europe I found out that most people at concerts like to just watch instead of sing and interact with the singer. My concert kind of sucked because of how bored the public was. I'm Brazilian and if you watch one of the shows she did in Brazil, you'll see how happy she was to see everybody singing . ( sorry but I hate this kind of people xd)
  16. The people shading Gaga are being ridiculous. Even if her current era is not as successful as her last ones, she is still doing well ( just wait until she goes to Asia and you will see how the shows will sell out fast). I love both Lana and Gaga but we just need to accept that Lana will never reach the level Gaga did ( I wouldn't want her to tbh).
  17. I will go there eventually, but for the world cup I guess Btw, are you having fun with the Pope and all those crazy catholics?
  18. She has too, I will have an excuse to go visit my friend and then see Lana It is a shame she isn't coming to the Northestern region of Brazil, Rio/Sao Paulo are too far away from where I like, like 3 hours on an airplane. I already saw her so it is not that bad though ( Geneva )
  19. "beacuse my English sucks like Stefani" Oh no you did not say this
  20. What cities??? Is she going to Cordoba? ( my sister is there )
  21. I doubt she'll ever come to my city, BUT THE BLACK EYED PEAS DID, so why not her?
  22. If she goes to Belo Horizonte I will visit a friend of mine there
  23. Limelight


    I used to like one of their video clips ( and the song), one where she floats and that is all I remember.
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