HeyBlueBaby 3,390 Posted January 4, 2023 5 minutes ago, sparklrtrailrheaven said: @BlackoutZone Please don't feel obligated to answer this immediately (!!!), but I'm definitely curious about any information you may have on album visuals. We know she's notorious for scrapping music videos (thanks for the TNBAR tea!), and we've even received some peeks behind the curtain at how she creates her cover artwork (thinking chiefly of the unused Paradise Edition cover, as well as the NFR! alt cover mockup that leaked), so I'm really curious to know if any eras have interesting scrapped visuals/covers/videos/etc. I love imagining these alternate universe versions of albums with diff tracklists/covers/titles... giving Burnt Norton teas Can you post the unused Paradise cover? Not sure I’ve seen it before. The NFR one you’re referring to is the one with the long black hair and gloves right? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deleted Member 23,729 Posted January 4, 2023 8 minutes ago, The Siren said: am i the only one that does not hear a single diff between the two most notable differences are • the drums in the single version have less high end (or sound more “muffled”), it’s most obvious right at the beginning • the guitars, specifically the riff that transitions into the chorus, is a bit quieter in the single version (and is super panned to the right which is kind of weird) • her vocals in the chorus of the single mix are more mono and louder than the album mix • sounds like there is slightly less reverb on some elements, i can’t pinpoint exactly which ones though, in the single mix than the album version 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lanaismamom 11,574 Posted January 4, 2023 23 hours ago, lanaismamom said: well im done! Reveal hidden contents 1. INTRO BOZ: Before I answer anything, I just wanted to say that at the end of the day I am not Lana, I am not in her head, I was not in the room when these songs were made and there is always a tiny bit of chance that I am wrong. Everything I'm revealing is based on (sometimes years of researching) things I listened to, read about or heard from people who worked with her directly. I do find timeliness, demos, drafts etc very fascinating as it gives you some additional cool insight of what was happening behind the scenes so I'll happily join the discussions here 2. TRNS-AM BOZ: Starting with the name, I personally never heard of "Trans-Am" being referenced, whether as a song title, album title or some project. Maybe it was a code name Lana used, maybe something insignificant. I did however see Tropico being used interchangeably as LP2/Second studio album form late 2012. I suspect that Lana had a visual idea for it from the start and already was in talks to make a movie for it in early stages. Maybe it went as far as her signing some agreements or label scheduling some timelines that had to be met in order to make the visual happen, but when it approached Lana might have decided she is not ready with the record at all and needs more time to finish it so they made ultimate decision to use the visual for Paradise edition instead. Since the name Tropico was more attached to the visual theme than the album she was making, she changed the album name and kept Tropico for the movie 3. PHOTO OF TRACKLIST 27 JANUARY 2013 BOZ: What I see here and what seems to make sense by what existed in January 2013 already: 1. Old Money? 2. Black Beauty? 3. ?? 4. Lake Placid 5. Summertime 6. Melancholia 7. Jesus (ITTJ) 8. Pink Champagne - this is the original name of Let Me Love You Like A Woman demo 9. Elvis 10. Earthquakes and further I can't read, but it Guns n Roses, Money Power Glory and maybe Cherry Blossom I'd expect to be on such draft from that time as well 4. WHY PARADISE TRACKS WERENT INCLUDED IN 27 JANUARY 2013 TRACKLIST BOZ: Because it was not planned. She wanted the visual to be made for songs only from the new record. I guess she wanted to launch the album alongside, but when she realized the album was not ready they just decided to use it for Paradise era and create different visuals for LP2 when it's all done. 5. ELVIS "is elvis a rework of the 2008 laptop demo, or a new song?" BOZ: Never heard about Elvis being actually reworked, but it's a song Lana remembered if that makes sense. Also wasn't it used for some movie a few years ago, that Lana acknowledged as well? They surely used the "final" existing version there "yeah, there's no knowledge of elvis being re-recorded or any studio version of it existing, but it's interesting that it's there, i was just wondering if you knew if it was a new song or if it was the "elvis" we already had, if this is the already-leaked elvis, it could've been a different, more complete version, the version that was used in that documentary is the laptop demo" BOZ: I think this is something she could have planned, but never executed. Even though the picture was from 2013 the notepad writing, could have been a bit older, but either way at that time some of the other songs only existed as voice memos/laptop demos as well. So she just put together what she liked and planned to finish and that's something she kept changing a lot further on 6. TALKING LIKE AN ANSWERING MACHINE BOZ: Talking like an Answering Machine is a bit of a mystery to me as well, but there seems to be a higher chance that it's real rather than that it's not 7. MELANCHOLIA BOZ: Melancholia uses seemingly the same instrumentation as UV and some parts of the melody, but outside of that it's pretty much a very different song, very rough though. 8. AVE MARIA BOZ: Lana did record Ave Maria, it was considered for UV even "after Tropico" 9. PINK CHAMPAGNE (LET ME LOVE YOU LIKE A WOMAN ULTRAVIOLENCE VERSION) BOZ: -bridge originally was pre-chorus -completely reworked and stripped from its original cinematic psychedelic production 10. DAN AUERBACH SESSIONS -Dan Auerbach never produced SYTH or Fine China -Dan did demos of Pretty When You Cry and Guns & Roses 11. YES TO HEAVEN, FINE CHINA, YOUR GIRL FINALS? BOZ: I'm not sure about YTH, but Fine China went as far as being mixed by Rob Orton and it's a Rick Nowels version. Same with Your Girl But as soon as she came back to work on Honeymoon the first person to touch SYTH again was Rick so you could say the last version of YTH for UV was Rick's (per leaked files though - James Ford version is the latest, from April 2014 I think) 12. I DONT WANNA GO/LAKE PLACID BOZ: I Don't Wanna Go / Tonight / Black Leather Moonlight (as annoying as it sounds, all 3 titles are equally correct, you can use whichever one you want) that leaked is from mid 2012, then it was rewritten and re-produced as Lake Placid for Tropico/UV 13. WEST COAST (ROB ORTON MIX) "why Lana released this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3SqUUoJjW8) version of West Coast first, but ended up putting this other mix (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNiInqEFdQk) on the album and also used it for the music video?" BOZ: The simple answer to this is that Rob Orton, UV's mixing engineer, was still mixing the tracks at the time of WC release and they just attached earlier mix to it. Pretty sure it was even released on streaming later as Rob Orton mix or something 14. PINK FLAMINGOS, GET HIGH, ICE CREAM "are "Pink Flamingos", "Ice Cream" and "Get High" demos of the released songs off the Honeymoon songs or just title ideas?" BOZ: -I don't recall Get High, but yes the other 2 are definitely real OG titles of the songs so Get High might as well be -all HM songs first begun as Rick x Lana sessions, everything that has any involvement from other people is them joining as the song progresses in production Also keep in mind that certain titles are not really attached to any particular versions. Throughout Lana's career most "demo" titles are used interchangeably till the very last minute when she decides on one. 15. WEST COAST (RICK NOWELS AND RADIO MIX VERSIONS ARE SAME OR DIFFERENT) BOZ: Yes and it's not only that, it's kinda a pattern throughout her career! Each time Lana wrote a song with Rick, but it was released with/alongside someone else's production, but she still liked the demo, she would finish it with Rick and release as radio mix. 16. IN JUNE 2014 INTERVIEW LANA SAID "RECORD" - WAS SHE REFERRED TO A SONG OR AN ALBUM/EP? BOZ: Pretty sure that what she said was "I have an idea for this record called Music to Watch Boys to", but I don't know in what context she meant that, I would say it was about the song, but please note that first actual recording sessions for HM with Rick started in September 2014, so everything prior was just ideas 17. DARK PARADISE/SUMMERTIME SADNESS RADIO MIXES a.k.a. RICK NOWELS FINALS BOZ: Radio mixes of Dark Paradise and Summertime Sadness are both finished Rick demos (alos demo versions for these versions exist) 18. IF YOU LIE DOWN WITH ME BOZ: It was properly reworked for Blue Banisters 19. 2013 and 2015 SOUNDCHECKS BOZ: I know nothing about this, same with that St. Petersburg soundcheck song. I tried to find out what this was all about, but never reached anything. What I did learn however is that Lana happens to improvise random things during soundchecks as a form of warm up and I think these might be those cases. But I really don't know 20. AXL ROSE HUSBAND "apart from Elvis and the ones we already knew of, does Lana ‘remember’ (as you put it) any of her unreleased songs pre-2012?" BOZ: hmm Axl Rose Husband! And as you know Methamphetamines turned into Old Money 21. LFL OUTTAKES "would you be able to spill about witchy lfl outtakes?" BOZ: What I'll say tho... if you are to manifest some amazing outtakes. Manifest LFL outtakes. 22. WEST COAST LYRICS ""He's crazy y Cubano como yo my love" or "como yo la la"" BOZ: He's crazy y Cubano como yo my love 23. JAMIE XX BOZ: Jamie xx did a demo of Old Money as well as Black Beauty in 2013. Sadly it doesn't seem like they worked on original material together 24. +100 SONGS BOZ: any claims that Lana made 100+ songs for any album are just wrong 25. NEON SHADOWS BOZ: Yeah this surely (edited) must be wrong (registered), never heard about it 26. REWORKED SONGS "Do we have "already leaked" songs that we don't know were considered for any albums? Like I know we already have a shit ton of btd outtakes but I'm guessing there are LOTS of btd outtakes that we already have but we don't even know they're btd outtakes" BOZ: there are a few, but some would literally collapse on the thought that she reworked that so I'd rather you just be surprised if something leaks one day 27. NEW TITLE Earthquakes (supposedly late 2012-early 2013) 28. "129 TRACKS FOR LUST FOR LIFE" MYSTERY BOZ: -129 tracks refers to amount of audio tracks in the song's session as someone explained. But while we are on the topic - LFL, the song, has 323 mixes which i think is the most for any Lana song ever -that song went through a LOT and we have like.. close to none of it 29. MIXES FOR RICK NOWELS' SONGS BOZ: Y&B, Dark Paradise, even SYTH among some that got beyond 100. But as you noted, some of those are nearly identical, Rick and his engineers are just very strict and every single slightest change gets noted as new mix. Not all of them even have to be exported 30. RECORDING DATES BOZ: California and Crazy for You are from the very first sessions for HM in 2014, IIDY is however from 2015 already I believe 31. OFF TO THE RACES DEMO BOZ: This is low key my most wanted Lana thing of all time and it might be lost 32. ON UFB, LANA AND BARRIE BOZ: -There was a period of time when Lana and Barrie would just... travel, everywhere. I think they would visit random studios writing/recording songs there with whoever was available. It's hard to pinpoint what was made by who beyond them 2. I think they would sometimes just leave the songs in the studio even. UFB was never planned to be included on UV, they just made it for fun, they were in love. Whoever was the working engineer in the NightBird studios the day they recorded it is probably the song's only co-producer. -Lana and Barrie definitely recorded more songs together 33. WAS WANDERLUST FROM NFR! SESSIONS REWOKED FOR CHEMTRAILS OVER THE COUNTRY CLUB? BOZ: No and I'm pretty sure none of those NFR/COCC era "demos" that leaked in a past few days are real at all 34. SOMETHING REAL BOZ: Eclipse must have received another pack of the same fashion later in 2016 of upcoming LFL track, Something Real (aka 13 Beaches). If you remember those times well, his exact teaser said "You took the.. #SR". This was most probably, because the singular stems he received as Something Real ALSO contained a few seconds of actual song at the beginning that happened to cut right after Lana saying "You took t..". In the full official credits you can see that Patrick is credited on 13 Beaches for "Waterphone", "Harmonium" and "Synthesizer". 35. FRENCH RESTAURANT BOZ: -French Restaurant song that leaked might not be an original version of it, but a piano rework Chris Braide did in 2021 alongside new version of Damn You that leaked as "alternate final". So I'm pretty confident a real 2011 version of French Restaurant with original production exists as well -these Chris Braide reworks were definitely done independently from Lana as well 36. VALLEY OF THE DOLLS BOZ: -(Was made by) Zach Dawes, it was made at the same time as original Thunder and as far as I remember Lana considered (I don't think it was touched) it for BB as well 37. WHY MASTERING ENGINEER FROM NFR! IS ON CREDITS FOR YOSEMITE? BOZ: Chris is just a mastering engineer, this is a very final step of the song's mixing and he only does final adjustments to prepare finished songs to deliver correct mixes as every service/media - iTunes, Streaming, CDs, Vinyls has different requirements. This isn't a step that any song that isn't meant to be released even goes through. 38. ROSES BOZ: Lana originally did Roses with Chris Braide in 2010 (that version remains unleaked), then in 2011 it was reworked with Theophilus London, but I do not know if it was with Lana's involvement or not, because I suspect the rework was meant for pitching and not for Born to Die. That's why it ended up with Cheryl. That was still the time when Lana's scrapped material was being thrown around especially since she was slowly getting hype in the music industry. For example, I don't know if this is known, but Rita Ora recorded Live or Die in 2012 39. LUST FOR LIFE DEMO 1 BOZ: This might be shocking to you, but Lust for Life title track was recorded before Honeymoon came out 40. FINE CHINA, YES TO HEAVEN, YOUR GIRL ESSAY 41. I TALK TO JESUS BOZ: There isn't any weird twist surrounding that song, but Jeez I feel like it has tons of mixes by tons of people and all sound shit and her vocals sound like she recorded them with a casio calculator. I just have no desire to piece them together for some timeline/purpose. 42. CULT LEADER AND DRAGONSLAYER BOZ: Cult Leader and Dragonslayer, are both real 2013 Rick produced, Kieron engineered songs 43. SAY YES TO HEAVEN COCC/BB BOZ: I don't recall YTH ever being considered for either COCC or BB (surprisingly) 44. DARK CITY BOZ: Dark City is from HM times, unfinished song, never worked on more 45. "CALI IS HOT" BOZ: “Cali is hot” snippet is from 2016 46. LA WHO AM I (2018 REWORK) BOZ: -The snippet of LA Who Am I to love is some odd 2018 remake of a LFL era track (La Who Am I To Love You) -I have no idea about, probably produced by someone else 47. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL BOZ: Everything done with LIB beyond its writing in 2012 was only in consideration for the movie/soundtrack release, not any of her albums 48. TLSP SESSIONS BOZ: -(They made)just few rough demos they made in a week or two. I don't even remember if there are any others left beyond what's released/leaked -Never heard of Dope 49. BOZ ON LFL BOZ: LFL is the era when Rick and Lana made, by far, the most songs together. But none of that is truly even known, let alone leaked, outside of LFL demo. If something notable leaks from that time one day, I will talk about it then. For now LFL questions are kinda off the table. Serene Queen or Sugary Sweet are just roughest of roughest concepts, bottom shelf of the massive material she made for that album. 50. BEST AMERICAN RECORD AND ITS VIDEO BOZ: This is something I'd gladly discuss, but it would be mostly speculations mixed with facts. Rich Lee was commissioned to direct music videos for 2 first singles of LFL - Love and The Next Best American Record. Love was obviously done first and sometime in late 2016/early 2017, before BAR video was recorded, someone must have either hacked or scammed Rich obtaining Love music video as well as reference audio for the BAR music video. This led to both spreading and leaking causing massive drama behind the scenes and ultimately scrapping BAR as a whole. We are "lucky" they only leaked this late, cause who knows if that happened earlier Lana might have never recorded the MV at all. There is however the other side/reason to it that might be even stronger imo. The original TNBAR version is clearly shady and putting a lot of guilt on Barrie for the fall of their relationship. I feel like later at that time she came to realization that she might have been too hard on him - or even more, perhaps they happened to meet/talk and become friends on good terms again. The BAR video was built fully around the lyrics of the demo so when she realized she definitely wouldn't release that song without changing its narrative, the music video must be discarded. Since it was a really good visual that Lana loved and it would be a waste to just scrap it, they reused it for White Mustang. But yes, the full video was ready to be put out for The Next Best American Record. This also might be one of the reasons for other LFL tracklist changes, but I don't know that. 51. SERENE QUEEN BOZ: Btw about that, this was rather a fact than a personal opinion. It was a scruffy demo made in a day whilst there are many songs that were being worked on for months in 2016 and ended up being unused 52. LA WHO AM I TO LOVE YOU BOZ: It's a full Rick produced song from LFL era, that was being worked on for months in 2016 and ended up being unused what we found out a bit earlier Reveal hidden contents 1. MORRICONE AND PIANO THEME BOZ: Both are just concept instrumentals for Lana that she never recorded vocals for 2. BORN TO DIE RE-ISSUE BOZ said that there were supposed re-issue of BTD with some outtakes with Damn You and Hollywood's Dead Finals Versions and probably some more 3. PARADISE BOZ: -Paradise initially started as album, not EP -Paradise EP was finished circa late September, I think that's when mixing and mastering happened 4. JFK BOZ: JFK has newer unleaked version (said to have "just 1 change") made after Paradise sessions (late 2012 or early 2013), but she decided to stick with JFK earlier (leaked) version 5. SHADES OF COOL FIRST VERSION BOZ: Shades of Cool has "scratchy" november 2013 version (not the rick nowels final) (the first made) 6. MIKE BOZ: Mike (Wild One) was on first UV drafts 7. WILD ONE HONEYMOON VERSION BOZ said on ATRL that there's no really Wild One Honeymoon Version, "he said something along the lines of, for some reason, Lana/her team reached out to Justin Parker regarding the song that year and that’s when Parker decide to slightly update the mix, hence the two very similar mixes we have, and the change in title to “Wild One”" 8. SAY YES TO HEAVEN JAMES FORD VERSION James Ford's Version of Say Yes to Heaven, previously believed to be unleaked and made in 2017, made in early 2014 9. from other reliable members -leaked versions of JFK, Hollywood, Tonight are all done by July 2012 and made together with Young and Beautiful, Body Electric and American Demos by july 2012 -Say Yes to Heaven was continually worked on since its creation in 2013 by Rick and other producers, so there are plenty more versions that were considered for basically every album (there are other mixes from UV, Honeymoon and LFL eras) but I haven't seen or heard anything about another STINT one -Hollywood was worked on in 2013 and one of the "heavier" tracks, considered for Ultraviolence after Tropico -You & I was produced by Dan Heath (by @Unknown) -Fake Diamond and Dreamgirl were produced in the same session, Fake Diamond's instrumental was done by a relatively unknown producer.. Dreamgirl used a pitched instrumental by someone i forgot the name There was also a full folder of other beats Fake Diamond was done on February 28th, 2011. Dreamgirl was done March 1st (same producer, for Dreamgirl only vocals.) Playing Dangerous and Bad Boy were done sometime in August 2010 alongside another song I don't know much abt and a rerecording of Bad Boy.. these last two I never got access to unfortunately D: Mads Louis Hauge and Phil Thornalley did Playing Dangerous and Bad Boy in the same session, which featured a very early version of the latter. The unknown song and rerecorded Bad Boy were done in the same session maybe a few days after the song was intended to have a string section. (by @Say Yes to Heaven) -A duplicate session was labeled 'Send to Dan Heath.' or something along those lines, but we dont know if he did anything on it in the end(by @misslonaxo) -There are 392 mixes of Groupie Love, 42 mixes of Heroin and 7 mixes of Change, 107 mixes of Get Free and 162 mixes of God Bless America - and All the Beautiful People in It (by @bunoner) 9.1. NEW SONGS Unknown song from Playing Dangerous/Bad Boy Session Later version 2 of Bad Boy dont forget to check out in case u are late as i constantly update this! 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lanabanana11 3,896 Posted January 4, 2023 Finally I have caught up! Hi @BlackoutZone I firstly want to say thank you for all the information that you have provided! I have been dying to ask you a question so I do hope you see this and it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle (my question was going to be about LFL but I read that you said it’s off the table so I will respect that) I remember following your comments in summer 2021 on another website about blue banisters, I guess this is sort of two questions but both have been burning in my mind for a long while now. 1) could you share the list of songs she considered for it? Like ones that were very close to making the album. I would love to put together a playlist! 2) can you spill anything about rock candy sweet? Is it the same as loved you then and now, meaning rock candy sweet was almost on chemtrails? 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Venice Peach 54,558 Posted January 4, 2023 I wish she had released LFL earlier so we got the first version of the album it could have been among her best. That was the album that marked her transition to her new "style" with songs like Change and Coachella (really late addition too) so maybe she realized that was the route she wanted to go and that's why she ended up discarding the tracks that sounded more classical Lana 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrFameKills 11,191 Posted January 4, 2023 all the ways that your glory (YTH, FC) was a letdown me turning the pages of this thread and getting a new shocker every 10 pages......the shattering realizations and then the BAR leak nostalgia to tie things together and bring me back home... 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
West Coast 45,909 Posted January 4, 2023 2 minutes ago, lilac heaven said: most notable differences are • the drums in the single version have less high end (or sound more “muffled”), it’s most obvious right at the beginning • the guitars, specifically the riff that transitions into the chorus, is a bit quieter in the single version (and is super panned to the right which is kind of weird) • her vocals in the chorus of the single mix are more mono and louder than the album mix • sounds like there is slightly less reverb on some elements, i can’t pinpoint exactly which ones though, in the single mix than the album version I also want to point out that the album's version sounds a little hollow and less atmospheric than the single version, it's a combination of all the elements you've mentioned. The single version sounds more balanced to me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dragonslayer 1,074 Posted January 4, 2023 wait so if the ride sessions has 10 bounced files how many sessions backups/versions does it have 4 Quote "whens it gonna be my turn, dont forget me" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IanadeIrey 62,162 Posted January 4, 2023 4 minutes ago, This Feeling said: Can you post the unused Paradise cover? Not sure I’ve seen it before. The NFR one you’re referring to is the one with the long black hair and gloves right? I think they’re referring to this mock-up cover done by her team for Paradise - Spoiler And no, the photo of her with the black gloves was a test shoot/wardrobe fitting for the V Magazine shoot by Steven Klein. The NFR mock-up was a rough layout idea Lana personally did herself using the photo that ended up as the Urban Outfitters edition. Spoiler 15 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
glitch diva 2,919 Posted January 4, 2023 11 minutes ago, sparklrtrailrheaven said: @BlackoutZone Please don't feel obligated to answer this immediately (!!!), but I'm definitely curious about any information you may have on album visuals. We know she's notorious for scrapping music videos (thanks for the TNBAR tea!), and we've even received some peeks behind the curtain at how she creates her cover artwork (thinking chiefly of the unused Paradise Edition cover, as well as the NFR! alt cover mockup that leaked), so I'm really curious to know if any eras have interesting scrapped visuals/covers/videos/etc. I love imagining these alternate universe versions of albums with diff tracklists/covers/titles... giving Burnt Norton teas Can you link me Paradise and NFR alt covers? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Neon Palmmm 9,257 Posted January 4, 2023 1 minute ago, This Feeling said: Can you post the unused Paradise cover? Not sure I’ve seen it before. The NFR one you’re referring to is the one with the long black hair and gloves right? Here's the Paradise cover: And the NFR! mockup: I just find these mid-process artifacts so cool 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deleted Member 23,729 Posted January 4, 2023 3 minutes ago, West Coast said: I also want to point out that the album's version sounds a little hollow and less atmospheric than the single version, it's a combination of all the elements you've mentioned. The single version sounds more balanced to me. the way i think the complete opposite 😭😭 especially in the chorus, idk the quieter vocals + larger stereo width for the vocals in the album version make it a lot more dreamy and atmospheric for me than the Rob mix but yeah it’s very subjective. i’m glad we have both! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Neon Palmmm 9,257 Posted January 4, 2023 1 minute ago, IanadeIrey said: I think they’re referring to this mock-up cover done by her team for Paradise - Reveal hidden contents And no, the photo of her with the black gloves was a test shoot/wardrobe fitting for the V Magazine shoot by Steven Klein. The NFR mock-up was a rough layout idea Lana personally did herself using the photo that ended up as the Urban Outfitters edition. Reveal hidden contents You beat me to it, icon great minds think alike!! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlackoutZone 4,708 Posted January 4, 2023 6 minutes ago, cherrytropico said: @BlackoutZone are you willing to share info about ocean blvd? of course nothing major but just some crumbs to get us hyped No, this thread is something to keep your mind occupied in the wait for the new album since Lana is pretty silent and I won't be revealing anything more for now 44 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IanadeIrey 62,162 Posted January 4, 2023 Just now, sparklrtrailrheaven said: You beat me to it, icon great minds think alike!! Omg no I felt bad because they asked you and here was I, chiming in you’re the real icon!! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lanaismamom 11,574 Posted January 4, 2023 guys maybe u can help me did i get it right, does it mean life is beautiful has never been a paradise outtake? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
West Coast 45,909 Posted January 4, 2023 3 minutes ago, lilac heaven said: the way i think the complete opposite 😭😭 especially in the chorus, idk the quieter vocals + larger stereo width for the vocals in the album version make it a lot more dreamy and atmospheric for me than the Rob mix but yeah it’s very subjective. i’m glad we have both! Agree to disagree 💀 I just feel like the album's version sounds tinny and overlyhazy in comparison, but it's definitely interesting how two vastly different version of a single song exist. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dragonslayer 1,074 Posted January 4, 2023 1 minute ago, lanaismamom said: guys maybe u can help me did i get it right, does it mean life is beautiful has never been a paradise outtake? i think he meant after it was recorded, and then after it being used for the movie, it was never considered for any other album of hers 5 Quote "whens it gonna be my turn, dont forget me" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoftwareUpgrade 19,367 Posted January 4, 2023 4 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said: And no, the photo of her with the black gloves was a test shoot/wardrobe fitting for the V Magazine shoot by Steven Klein. The NFR mock-up was a rough layout idea Lana personally did herself using the photo that ended up as the Urban Outfitters edition. Hide contents Wait then why was the V Mag outtakes/test shoot being touted as "Bird World" material?! Or was it "Bird World """"ERA""""" and never concluded to be an album cover/booklet image/promotional image. I'm not crazy, didn't HM say it was for Bird World maybe I just misunderstood their OG post about it, oops 3 Quote I'm Poppy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Just Cherry 3,864 Posted January 4, 2023 @BlackoutZone Do you know which project Lana’s cover of “Cactus” by Pixies was intended for? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites