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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I feel so blessed, Lana’s preorder tomorrow, Tool are uploading their music to streaming services for the FIRST TIME THIS FRIDAY, TOOL AND LANA RELEASING BOTH ALBUMS ON THE SAME DAMN DAY WOWWWW

omg wow i don’t listen to tool, but my boyfriend loves them. so i think it’s great that him and i get to be fed by our favorite artists with new albums on the same day!


miss born to lose

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That cover is the antithesis of everything we've heard in the snippets so far. It doesn't match the music at ALL. I can't believe people like it; I am making a mental list and deducting reputation points let me tell YOU. 

Honestly, you have a point. I'm more accepting of the picture (and ONLY the picture, don't try to make me swallow that font now), but I don't understand how that visual matches the lyrics she actually sings about in those tracks.


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so ladies, whats the flower of this era

The little fake flowers in glass tubes that are actually crack pipes

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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You know how the album is kind of like an ode to a man that thought he was better than what he truly was, I think that’s what he concept is about the cover. Like that’s why he’s there and in the back cover, it’s like snap shots of him like Lana is sharing part of her picture book to us, especially the back cover, like idk it just makes sense especially with MAC and BAR ouff


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Not y'all actually thinking we will ever get officially released Yosemite and redone version of BAR. It will be surprising if Lana still remembers these songs' existence


Well, this did NOT age well in the last few hours

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It's kinda weird to see Hope as the closing song plus I rather Lana scrapped it, she could've included Life Is Beautiful, Yosemite or Roses Bloom For You on the tracklist instead of Hope


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It's kinda weird to see Hope as the closing song plus I rather Lana scrapped it, she could've included Life Is Beautiful, Yosemite or Roses Bloom For You on the tracklist instead of Hope

Yosemite would have made it worth it

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No MGK or Jesse Rutherford feature tho  :crossed:



MGK collab was confirmed to be for his album, not hers. Also, the song is dead at this point, because he completely scrapped the album it was going to be on and released a different project instead.

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I like the cover but ew at Hope being last on the tracklist... idk maybe I'll feel differently when I listen to the album

It actually makes a lot of sense. It's a sort of summary of her life and she ends up the record saying she has hope despite all the shit that she went through and that it's dangerous for her because her past has been quite rough so she shouldn't expect much in theory. It opens the doors to so many possibilities and she can easily continue the story on a next album if she wants. In LFL, she ended with Get Free, a song in which she was claming to be out the black, so she ended the record on something that turned out to be false. At least in NFR, a more personal album, she acknowledges that she's not out of the black but has hope to get out of it. It's a very mature way to close the record

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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glad it's the closing track we won't have to skip it then

honeslty i'm kinda annoyed that there's only 3 songs that we haven't heard

We just stop listening the album after the song that comes before it ends ;) 


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Where's the 2 surprise feats? Maybe we'll have a deluxe edition with 15 tracks? I want so badly to hear the MGK collab.


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I'm .... going to say it.


Coachella is better than the NFR album cover.


Never thought I’d see the day I thought Coachella was better than anything



But yes.




The flower of this era is the flowers clown have which spray out water but instead of water, it squirts matcha & grey water

Truly ethereal, and it’s a huge pain in the ass

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i fucking hate that cover but i still hope it'll grow on me cos being angry everytime i look at it ain't it


I refuse to recognise it as the legitimate cover and I am Photoshopping the FUCK out of it later to fix it

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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