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1 minute ago, vodkaa said:

Mariahhhhhhhh but yeah no agree w ya on that. it's something touching on otherworldly definitely.

Tea, i love mariahs voice, (can she go as low as lana?) but mariahs voice is a stereo-typically beautiful singing voice, i mean in sound, its great but it's not a super unique voice, Lana's is something else, its very distinctive, she has the ability to convey an incredible amount of emotion with just her voice, i think that's a very rare thing imo, but i guess it depends on the person and what moves them, however her voice is undoubtedly a piece of art, like i can't actually process the idea of someone genuinely not liking her voice



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15 minutes ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

I'm obsessed with Lana's high notes, like her opera sounding high notes, the whale noises... they're so haunting and eery. I really want her to serve some stargirl vocals or some creepy church choir vocals like the ones she did at the end of i talk to jesus. I still can't believe those are her real vocals btw, i feel like we don't talk about it enough, like that's insane, she sounds so... unreal. Like honestly a proffesional opera singer or something with those notes, her range is unbelievable. She may be the best vocalist I've ever heard, name an artist that can go as low as born to die and as high as stargirl/i talk to jesus .... fuck fuck fuck


I call those her 'siren song' notes and love them too. I'm always hopeful she'll use them at least once on every album. James Franco also commented specifically on them when they were hanging out a few years ago.  

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15 minutes ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

I'm obsessed with Lana's high notes, like her opera sounding high notes, the whale noises... they're so haunting and eery. I really want her to serve some stargirl vocals or some creepy church choir vocals like the ones she did at the end of i talk to jesus. I still can't believe those are her real vocals btw, i feel like we don't talk about it enough, like that's insane, she sounds so... unreal. Like honestly a proffesional opera singer or something with those notes, her range is unbelievable. She may be the best vocalist I've ever heard, name an artist that can go as low as born to die and as high as stargirl/i talk to jesus .... fuck fuck fuck

My favourite thing about Lana's vocals it's that they don't always sound flawless but they still sound so good I don't know how to explain it. When she sings MDM live you can hear her passion and even if it sounds weird it's beautiful 


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15 minutes ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

Tea, i love mariahs voice, (can she go as low as lana?) but mariahs voice is a stereo-typically beautiful singing voice, i mean in sound, its great but it's not a super unique voice, Lana's is something else, its very distinctive, she has the ability to convey an incredible amount of emotion with just her voice, i think that's a very rare thing imo, but i guess it depends on the person and what moves them, however her voice is undoubtedly a piece of art, like i can't actually process the idea of someone genuinely not liking her voice

Mariah's lower range is AMAZING, and yeah she can, even lower. and her technique's just- but anyway yeah it's so rich and doesn't even feel or sound something forced. I think for a time she considered herself an alto, and thing is her voice'd just back that up if you hadn't heard her singing her different upper registers n stuff. 
I really appreciate how Lana's voice is real emotive, it does so much for her songs, and as someone who just treasures the emotional aspect to things, it's great. like music's meant to be felt first n foremost, and she does that real well. I can understand how some people might be put off with it sometimes when she sounds like she's drunk imo, or if the audience is used to more power in the singer being listened to. but her voice is a treasure in a way that it really helps u feel from a more contemplating place. her voice's real mercurial I love it too obvs looool 


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Ever since the Leak Which Shall Not Be Named -- which I initially, unfortunately downloaded and listened to bc of stupid curiosity -- I've been feeling kind of icky every time I try to listen to any of the unreleased LDR stuff I have. It's not that I'd never thought about Lana's privacy and dignity before this leak, but something about this one really unsettled me and put a bad taste in my mouth with leaked content in general. The feeling will probably pass, but have any of you had similar moral dilemmas over listening to Lana leaks? 


Like, I know it's fundamentally wrong, but at the same time, I know Lana obvs doesn't seem as fervently upset about leaked content (as a whole, specific songs notwithstanding) as she used to be -- plus, it's such a wealth of music that I've grown so close to, and it feels weird to imagine abandoning all of it for good. I just don't know -- but regardless, right now,  I feel too weird to listen to any of the unreleased stuff :/ 


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9 minutes ago, sparklrtrailrheaven said:

Ever since the Leak Which Shall Not Be Named -- which I initially, unfortunately downloaded and listened to bc of stupid curiosity -- I've been feeling kind of icky every time I try to listen to any of the unreleased LDR stuff I have. It's not that I'd never thought about Lana's privacy and dignity before this leak, but something about this one really unsettled me and put a bad taste in my mouth with leaked content in general. The feeling will probably pass, but have any of you had similar moral dilemmas over listening to Lana leaks? 


Like, I know it's fundamentally wrong, but at the same time, I know Lana obvs doesn't seem as fervently upset about leaked content (as a whole, specific songs notwithstanding) as she used to be -- plus, it's such a wealth of music that I've grown so close to, and it feels weird to imagine abandoning all of it for good. I just don't know -- but regardless, right now,  I feel too weird to listen to any of the unreleased stuff :/ 


i understand how you feel, it's made me question how i approach her leaked and stolen content, we enthusiastically talk about how much we want certain songs to leak, and when they do leak, we celebrate it, we don't really question if what we are doing is right, or if it's unfair to her. it's understandable that we don't, because nothing feels better than to hear a new lana song, especially one that could be from a particular era that is really interesting, such as ultraviolence era, or the lizzy grant era. 


i think i would just keep in mind that this never usually happens, if anything, they get blocked off of youtube, but her management hasn't done anything to prevent any other leaks being posted here in general, there's masterposts that can easily be found online that list download links to pretty much all of her unreleased material. i wouldn't doubt that her management, even lana, are aware of what songs leak, but it seems like they don't usually feel the need to do anything about it, or to prevent the spread of the song. 


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36 minutes ago, sparklrtrailrheaven said:

Ever since the Leak Which Shall Not Be Named -- which I initially, unfortunately downloaded and listened to bc of stupid curiosity -- I've been feeling kind of icky every time I try to listen to any of the unreleased LDR stuff I have. It's not that I'd never thought about Lana's privacy and dignity before this leak, but something about this one really unsettled me and put a bad taste in my mouth with leaked content in general. The feeling will probably pass, but have any of you had similar moral dilemmas over listening to Lana leaks? 


Like, I know it's fundamentally wrong, but at the same time, I know Lana obvs doesn't seem as fervently upset about leaked content (as a whole, specific songs notwithstanding) as she used to be -- plus, it's such a wealth of music that I've grown so close to, and it feels weird to imagine abandoning all of it for good. I just don't know -- but regardless, right now,  I feel too weird to listen to any of the unreleased stuff :/ 

Yes. When Love music video version leaked it felt like Lana was just sitting on everything we had ever wanted from her after that long ass break, I felt so guilty for listening , and then after everything was delayed because of it, it felt even worse. Sometimes I wish it never would’ve been passed around and everything that era would’ve gone smoothly.

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16 hours ago, lamms said:

She couldn’t even pull through with her last tour (due to health reasons) and in general she keeps her tours very short (due to release cycles). But in the end she‘s said herself:

She simply isn’t a performer like let’s say Britney Spears, Madonna or hell the queen of residency: Celine Dion. 
Her little dances are cute enough for normal concerts maybe, but nobody would go to a residency to see her clown around with Ashley and Alex, dancing to the same old playlist. It’s too messy. Even the pre-Grammy concert while sonically it was nice, but performance wise it looked like a bore.
Maybe she’ll finally come around for the COTCC tour this time (if there‘ll be a tour, she has the perfect excuse not to) and put some effort in her shows. 
I really don’t see her do residencies, sorry. Lana‘s too impulsive to maintain high quality show after quality show and less so with 12 shows in a month. 

I wonder if she would feel differently about touring and performances if that first SNL performance had been a huge success? I think it’s something that still lingers on her mind a decade later...

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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Just now, Coney Island King said:

Album of reworked old tracks.


2020 album called White Hot Forever.


Pacific Blue covers album.



Her list of shit we’ll never see keeps growing. QUEEN X

dark paradise mv, cola mv, pwyc mv, cherry mv, change mv, love song mv, california, broadway show w/ rick, alice in wonderland, james franco book


what else am i missing?

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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2 minutes ago, ArtDecoDelRey said:

dark paradise mv, cola mv, pwyc mv, cherry mv, change mv, love song mv, california, broadway show w/ rick, alice in wonderland, james franco book


what else am i missing?

The AKA Re-do she promised in like 2012


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51 minutes ago, ArtDecoDelRey said:

dark paradise mv, cola mv, pwyc mv, cherry mv, change mv, love song mv, california, broadway show w/ rick, alice in wonderland, james franco book


what else am i missing?

that book about the insane starlet with the stalker who dies in her pool


looking back, that was a really dark concept because that was literally her life...


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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11 minutes ago, TheSwaggerAndTheLips said:

that book about the insane starlet with the stalker who dies in her pool


looking back, that was a really dark concept because that was literally her life...


It was a film wasn't it? But yeah I agree, she described it like a Sunset Boulevard esque film noir, really gritty and paranoid. I wish she'd actually pursue this. The way Violet seems perfect in the context of NFR, this film idea would've been perfect in the context of HM and its voyeurism themes 

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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Well, fuck (mostly the first two because lots of people follow Trump just to laugh at the stupid shit he says)




I think he deleted the last one but here it is


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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13 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

Well, fuck (mostly the first two because lots of people follow Trump just to laugh at the stupid shit he says)


I have lots of thoughts on this . . . 


If he was a nice guy, I could forgive the fag thing - as long as he apologised - because the term 'gay' was a lot more associated with a general insult a decade ago. It was widely used in film and pop culture, so if this comes to light and he apologises, I will forgive that. 


Likewise, his "ALL LIVES MATTER" post was made in 2015, long before the current hate-crime discourse of the conflict between the problematic use of Republicans trying to flatten Black Lives with the superficial All Lives. Has he clarified and showed support this year? I can forgive this if so.


But if he is legitimately supporting Trump shows that his thinking hasn't changed at all.


And I'm inclined to think he is a pig. He can have the benefit of the doubt from me but if he is a motherfucker he is going to slip up again soon. :um:



I just read the others. He needs to apologise asap.


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