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Dark Angel

Unpopular Youtuber Opinions

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i hate the AI thumbnails, like everytime i see them they just disguisting me and i dont watch the video, they just give me the ick. why people think they look 'good'  WHEN THEY ARE UGLY AF. generally i hate the industry, overreacting so 10 year old amelia is laughing and will make a fanpage about you on tik tok, bracelets with ur name, put you on her lockscreen and scream you r cringey songs, and ofc MONEY MONEY MONEY, not only that but you get it



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I know that PewDiePie is controversial as hell but I feel like "YouTuberism" died after he "retired" (idk if he retired but I think he's not doing videos anymore). Like I don't know any current 2020s YouTubers right now, besides Mr Beast but he's sketchy. YouTubers peaked in the 2010s.


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44 minutes ago, details said:

reaction videos are utterly stupid and i have no idea why they remain strong nor why people care so much about what a nobody on youtube has to say about anything really


I think these channels kind of feed the illusion that you're listening to an album or watching a tv show/movie  "with" someone else, that's why they became so popular. The whole parasocial thing, is like having a friend to hang out with, but they're just a screen :lanasrs2:


I also really don't understand how these channels don't get copyrighted or something. 

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1 hour ago, dollanganger said:

i aint ever seen dantdm get fed up with anyone like this :oprah6:IMG-6569.jpg


Whenever influencers try to sell things to kids it’s a bit.. weird :eek2:  I think everyone knows Logan is a POS but I’m not surprised things have been coming out about Mr. Beast. 



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