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American Whore

Slow Posting Duplications Bug

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Hi all, I don't know if this is a known issue or not, but it seems it's more than just me experiencing it because other people will randomly duplicate their posts too. On both mobile (iOS Chrome, because it's the only browser that still lets me like posts on mobile lol) and Mac (Firefox) there's an issue where posts take 30+ seconds (sometimes longer, a minute or two even) to actually save. I'm not sure if this is a server issue or the webhost or the website itself with as much data as it has on it? I only noticed it a few weeks ago and thought it would resolve itself but it hasn't gone away.

It isn't a massive outtage kind of dire issue, but it's weird because sometimes your post/status/comment won't save, so then you press "post" again and it'll double or triple your posts once you've refreshed. Maybe this has always been an issue and I've never noticed it until now? can someone clarify if it's only me that's noticed this recently or if it's been a long issue/always been this way? i don't think it has.


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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I’ve been experiencing a lot of issues related to runtime lately. I think the site is slowing down because of how old and bloated the server must have become. But it could also be because of lower traffic? So they turned the speed down? Idk how that works zzkxbdjhcdjjdkeiso. But trust im putting string on the corkboard too sister

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Yes. I have experiencing this since February - like the slow response and posting (I have pretty much avoided pressing the "submit reply" button twice to avoid post duplications).


The only tricks that have worked for me are:

- If you're posting and the post response is slow, then refresh the page.

- If the previous trick didn't work, then leave the thread by going to the forum index - don't worry about the post not saving, it will get posted once you've gone to the forum index. The only annoying thing that may come with it is that when you want to post again in the same thread, your comment box has saved the previous posted comment but you can quickly get rid of the text anyway.


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I have a feeling this is a host server issue, and that the error messages when trying to like a post, embed an image etc, are too. I know Elle is doing her best though, I really appreciate that she keeps this site open despite the costs.

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Just noticed this seems fixed as of now. My posts are posting as soon as I hit submit and it's not duplicating so far. Maybe it's temporarily fixed so I'll comment here again if it comes back but so far today we're good


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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