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ionnalee [iamamiwhoami]

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So straighten this out for me. bounty came out after kin. But the tracks were already out there before kin???

Yeah, the bounty songs were released as singles (with videos obviously) in 2010-2011, then the kin song / videos were released and the album was released, and then a year after that bounty was released as a album. so basically:    bounty singles -> kin singles / album -> bounty album

(was that confusing idk)


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Yeah that's how it's been with kin and fountain (idk about bounty wasnt around then).


I believe the preludes were fortnightly then Bounty was monthly like Kin and Fountain/Hunting For Pearls.


It was such an exciting time back then. I used to sneak a break at work to watch the new uploads on my phone! Haha.



Yeah, the bounty songs were released as singles (with videos obviously) in 2010-2011, then the kin song / videos were released and the album was released, and then a year after that bounty was released as a album. so basically:    bounty singles -> kin singles / album -> bounty album

(was that confusing idk)



I think its easier to say Bounty had a digital release in 2010, followed by it's physical release in 2013. XD

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I believe the preludes were fortnightly then Bounty was monthly like Kin and Fountain/Hunting For Pearls.


It was such an exciting time back then. I used to sneak a break at work to watch the new uploads on my phone! Haha.




I think its easier to say Bounty had a digital release in 2010, followed by it's physical release in 2013. XD

kin was every two weeks too.

Hahah yeah I remember sitting and watching some of the videos from kin in class and stuff


Hm yeah but gotta include that it it wasn't released as an album before 2013!


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Yeah, but I think kin was always intended for a physical release (correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't around when it first started) and I guess it kinda ~*~*inspired*~*~ them to release bounty too (thank god it)

Speaking of which, why can't I find a physical copy of bounty without paying a fortune?? :defeated:


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Really? Not looking very well. :P http://shop.towhomitmayconcern.cc/Store/DisplayItems-3-0-0.html bundles and everything

Oh lol thanks :flop:


Is that bundle the 2 CDs or a double disc type thing?


EDIT: actually never mind, after converting the prices on their site to USD, it's still way too expensive :( I might just have to go digital on this one...


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Oh lol thanks :flop:


Is that bundle the 2 CDs or a double disc type thing?


EDIT: actually never mind, after converting the prices on their site to USD, it's still way too expensive :( I might just have to go digital on this one...

OH  I didn't know you were in the US, I would recommend using Discogs then! I think these two are the releases with booklets - kin - bounty


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No damn clue. It's already 2:15 in Sweden and nothing. Hopefully it will be up soon though. Idk. At least it's on iTunes in a lot of countries!

I wish it was on iTunes in the US!!! Hopefully by tomorrow morning.


I really think "hunting for pearls" is already one of my favorite songs, what about you?


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I wish it was on iTunes in the US!!! Hopefully by tomorrow morning.


I really think "hunting for pearls" is already one of my favorite songs, what about you?

Yeah it'll probably be up at midnight.


Erm I'm not sure, haha. It's amazing and all of that, but I have to wait a little to let it sink it and stuff before I know if it's my favorite!


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