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Sorry but Lana outfit and the Kesha perfomance were the only good things on this Grammys. That's the t

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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The 'Birthday Suit' snippet is weird. Like the first half of it sounds like a really good song and then it randomly cuts to her singing some shit over the super mario song that sounds like a joke. I feel like these are 2 different songs and the first part of the snippet is a separate Rainbow outtake with an unknown title. Is that possible...?


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The 'Birthday Suit' snippet is weird. Like the first half of it sounds like a really good song and then it randomly cuts to her singing some shit over the super mario song that sounds like a joke. I feel like these are 2 different songs and the first part of the snippet is a separate Rainbow outtake with an unknown title. Is that possible...?

maybe, i think the first part is very very LTLG but the mario part feels like an Animal outtake

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maybe, i think the first part is very very LTLG but the mario part feels like an Animal outtake


Well if they are indeed 2 different songs, I wouldn't be surprised if they're both from this past era. I'm pretty sure it's definitely a Rainbow outtake. I just feel like... they can't be the same song... and if it is one song then that's so fucking rude to have such a pretty sounding song and then cut to that annoying shit LMAOOO maybe she was trolling with that demo


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The 'Birthday Suit' snippet is weird. Like the first half of it sounds like a really good song and then it randomly cuts to her singing some shit over the super mario song that sounds like a joke. I feel like these are 2 different songs and the first part of the snippet is a separate Rainbow outtake with an unknown title. Is that possible...?

I've always thought it sounded weird af!! I can't place it but it sounds like 2 different songs completely. Won't someone buy/leak it already  :crossed:


I can honestly not tell what is different from the final version :defeated:

The instrumental isn't quite polished and there's a few new adlibs & she just sings parts of it differently, maybe try listening to both slays back to back?  :defeated:


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