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Lana Weird Al polka medley???

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Who here is *not* familiar with Weird Al?


Back in the 80s, on his "UHF" album, he did a polka medley of all Rolling Stones songs. (Usually, his polka medleys are songs from multiple artists.) I would love to see him do one with all Lana songs. I think it would be awesome! Any thoughts on that? I've already got some ideas and am considering trying to submit them to him.

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 I don't want to spoil high hopes, it's just some go too far on this boards in expectations, that they can influence music art work of Lana, and now even of other musicians, maybe if you're someone's agent or something.


Weird Al is known to make fun of certain musicians that are 'nuisances', when he felt under criticism for that, he just explained he honors them on that way too, maybe polkas aren't as his parody songs, but anyway he did Lady Gaga polka, so that's no place for Lana.

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Weird Al has been around that long? He was *somewhat* talked about like in the 2000's and I always felt like he should've stopped.

Weird Al has been around since the late 1970s. His first parody song, "My Bologna," aired on the Dr. Demento radio show in 1979.


Here for it! I want him to work Summertime Sadness into a various artist polka medley SO BAD  :teehee:

Yeah, that was one I had in mind as well. "Dark Paradise" could be worked in as well. I was envisioning it starting off with "Blue Jeans." 


I don't want to spoil high hopes, it's just some go too far on this boards in expectations, that they can influence music art work of Lana, and now even of other musicians, maybe if you're someone's agent or something.

Wow, just RAIN on my parade, why don't you... All I can do is send a suggestion to him via Twitter or maybe through his web site. I'm not expecting that anything will actually HAPPEN, but I can dream, right? But I still think it would be rather cool, and funny, if he actually did it.


Weird Al is known to make fun of certain musicians that are 'nuisances', when he felt under criticism for that, he just explained he honors them on that way too, maybe polkas aren't as his parody songs, but anyway he did Lady Gaga polka, so that's no place for Lana.

He doesn't parody artists that he feels are nuisances. Sometimes, he will point out certain traits about an artist in a parody that some may consider a nuisance (like Lady Gaga in "Perform This Way," for example). But he does his parodies based on a song's popularity. After all, why parody a song that no one has heard of? Most artists consider it a compliment when Weird Al parodies them, because they know they've made it big. (Lorde, for example, was ecstatic when Al's label contacted hers about making the parody song "Foil.")

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Wow, just RAIN on my parade, why don't you... All I can do is send a suggestion to him via Twitter or maybe through his web site. I'm not expecting that anything will actually HAPPEN, but I can dream, right? But I still think it would be rather cool, and funny, if he actually did it.



Spot on, and best of luck with getting on to him. Actually, he's more approachable now than he's ever been, because I believe he's out of contract, and is going to be releasing/marketing his own records on the internet. He has also been doing a lot of interviews and hook ups with internet people (nerdist.com among others), so it could be the sort of situation where a polite but strong campaign of support for your idea on twitter might actually go somewhere.


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