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Take Me To Church (Demo): https://picosong.com/wj4E2/


Interesting things from the podcast Phil Taggart's Slacker Podcast: link can be found on the previous page

  • The demo sounds very similar to the final version, and he admitted that he very rarely listens to the actual track (Take Me To Church). Demo is from late 2013-early 2014, recorded in his parent's attic in case you didn't know that already after he dropped out of university (Trinity College, Dublin).
  • At 14-15 he joined his first band and realized that he had a great voice but a lousy guitarist. Band was called Blue Zoots, they covered soul songs and his brother was in the band as the drummer. The other band members were around 18 years old, so Hozier was the youngest. They played in various youth halls.
  • Soul and Delta (blues) music inspired him a lot when he was younger
  • Once Take Me To Church was finished, he felt pride and happy over it but never thought that it would become such a hit, even though he and Rob (his producer) joked that it would be hit on alternative radio stations
  • He put TMTC and two other demos and uploaded them to Soundcloud after he had worked on some old demos after college
  • After the hit, he had to finish the album (his debut album) while promoting it overseas, sometimes only stopping at home/Dublin for one-two weeks and going into the studio at once
  • About Nina Cried Power: he worried for backlash if he decided to put the song out, but he did it anyway when he was happy with what he wanted to say with the song. He discussed with the interviewer about how similar things is still going on today and brushed on the subject of the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • After touring: his dived into news and realized that hearing/reading all the bad things constantly affected him in a way, and it influenced the tone of the upcoming album
  • About the upcoming album: "There is a 'doom and gloom' there, but I say that with a very tounge-in-cheek way, it looks like 'doom and gloom' in a sorta way but with a rye eye. I was defenitely drawing from the kind of, like, the rederick of fire and brimstone, two nuclear powers... just a pissing contest of global politics that has been going on in the last years. It's just ridiculous shit. So, it's kinda drawing from that and looking at that sort of doom and gloom from different-, sometimes it's very helpful, sometimes it's quite funny and sometimes it's kind of just... sad. [...] The album (is coming out) early next year."
  • About Movement and Polunin, the ballet dancer in the video for it: seeing the video where Polunin danced to TMTC, it made Hozier want to write a song about movement and referenced him in the lyrics and asked if he would dance for the music video for Movement for him.
  • Favorite poem: Mint by Seamus Heaney (he even recited it ♥)
  • Swimming pool in the cover arts: belonged to a friend of Hozier's
  • About Nina Cried Power (again): the album version might have more verses and names mentioned in the lyrics than the EP version

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New interview with him: https://www.standard.co.uk/go/london/music/hozier-interview-take-me-to-church-a4011086.html


He told basically what's already been told before (unless you care about who produced his upcoming album), but here are some interesting parts from the interview.

I found that in the stuff I was writing there was a real sense of doom and gloom, a kind of ‘end of days’ feel, but in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way,” he explains. “There’s been this global political pissing contest going on, and the wilful denial of climate change and CO2 emissions. So a lot of the songs have this feeling of foreboding, but they look at it in different ways. There are laments and there are optimistic ones saying, ‘No, it’s not the end of the world, it’ll be fine.’ Others are more like, ‘Great! Get on with it! I’m very tired!’  I imagine the record taking place around this bonfire of our times with everyone screaming into it.


This was something new (at least to me):

Would he say any of his new compositions are pop songs? “I would. There are some on this record that, lyrically, are not typical of a pop song — they have a bit of a gallows humour to them — but they do embrace sweeter melodies.”

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He just announced two things!


The name of the album will be "Wasteland, Baby!"


Aaaaaaaaaaand he'll be back in the US for a tour to promote the album! If you missed him earlier this year, this will be your chance to see him! Or if you're in Ireland and UK, he'll be performing at various festivals this summer (if I'm not mistaken). :party:



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He just announced two things!


The name of the album will be "Wasteland, Baby!"


Aaaaaaaaaaand he'll be back in the US for a tour to promote the album! If you missed him earlier this year, this will be your chance to see him! Or if you're in Ireland and UK, he'll be performing at various festivals this summer (if I'm not mistaken). :party:




OMG I LOVE THE ALBUM NAME! I can't wait for this, I always have faith in Hozier to deliver bops!

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OMG I LOVE THE ALBUM NAME! I can't wait for this, I always have faith in Hozier to deliver bops!

I'm so excited to hear all the new songs and the tracklist! I even had a random dream about him last night, lol!

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Oh btw, he uploaded a cover of Destiny’s Child’s Say my name on Spotify. It was great hearing it live, I’ll check out this newly recorded cover tomorrow or as soon as I can. :)

As a Beyoncé fan I'm in love with this :flutter:



How much do we know about the album? I love Hozier but don't follow him like I do some artists so idk if its coming soon or any of the details. Is Movement a single from it? I've loved everything hes released recently so excited for a new album

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As a Beyoncé fan I'm in love with this :flutter:



How much do we know about the album? I love Hozier but don't follow him like I do some artists so idk if its coming soon or any of the details. Is Movement a single from it? I've loved everything hes released recently so excited for a new album

Scroll through the page and you can see my summaries, but:

We know that the album, Wasteland, Baby!, will be out sometime soon (early 2019) and that it has been influenced by the political situation in the world. You can hear this in Nina Cried Power for example. The songs on the EP will be on the album but NCP might get more names in the lyric for the final album version. He has said that “there’s a doom and gloom” in the album, so I guess we can except some heavy songs.

Lyrics to an unheard song was shared in an interview last year - you can go back one or two pages to read the lines, I think it was for Wasteland, Baby! if I remember right.



He tweeted/posted on IG earlier this week about an interview which contained the demo for NCP! I haven’t checked it out yet (I’ve been too obsessed over Lana lol), but I will!

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Scroll through the page and you can see my summaries, but:

We know that the album, Wasteland, Baby!, will be out sometime soon (early 2019) and that it has been influenced by the political situation in the world. You can hear this in Nina Cried Power for example. The songs on the EP will be on the album but NCP might get more names in the lyric for the final album version. He has said that “there’s a doom and gloom” in the album, so I guess we can except some heavy songs.

Lyrics to an unheard song was shared in an interview last year - you can go back one or two pages to read the lines, I think it was for Wasteland, Baby! if I remember right.



He tweeted/posted on IG earlier this week about an interview which contained the demo for NCP! I haven’t checked it out yet (I’ve been too obsessed over Lana lol), but I will!

I'm so happy it's coming out soon!! I'm not big into politics but it should be really interesting to see how its influenced the album seeing as its been an absolute shit show lately, and the fact he said there's doom and gloom makes me excited because I love that shit lmao. I'm also glad the EP will be on the album, they're such good songs, if that's a small taste of whats to come its going to be amazing :party: thank you for the updates :kiss:

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Wasteland, Baby! will be released 1st March! If you preorder the album now on his homepage, you will get a chance to buy tour tickets for the European leg earlier than others! European leg will be autumn/winter 2019 - dates will be up later. :party: (The green shade for the vinyl is sooo pretty...!)


His new song Almost (Sweet music) is FANTASTIC in my opinion - go and check it out now!


He also revealed the track list:

Nina Cried Power (Featuring Mavis Staples)

Almost (Sweet Music)


No Plan


To Noise Making (Sing)

As It Was


Talk Refined


Dinner & Diatribes



Wasteland, Baby!


So 14 songs in total! :D Unfortunately it seems that NFWMB and Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue) aren’t on the album. :crai:


I will update later with his comments on the album from questions sent by fans on Instagram story. :)

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