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Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'

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I used to like her but wtf at her calling another black girl on instagram a "tarbaby", what the fuck seriously? That security guard fight vid was gross too. Sigh. I never cared when she said offensive shit in general because words are very hard to find offensive to me, they're just words to me, whatever, but "tarbaby" is fucking disgusting and telling her to bleach her skin. What a vile person. It's one thing to "feud" with people and say funny mostly true stuff in a more "offensive" way and another to be a disgusting piece of shit.

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It srsly feels like this thread never goes away. Or it's just the fact that hardly anyone ever posts in the World News section. Either way, I find this whole thing a bit silly. Not Banks' point, but the things people are saying. On the topic of her point, though, is Azealia really one to talk about which words are okay to say and which words aren't? Like, did she just completely forget that she ever recorded 212? (no hate. it's an amazing song. but c'mon)

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It srsly feels like this thread never goes away. Or it's just the fact that hardly anyone ever posts in the World News section. Either way, I find this whole thing a bit silly. Not Banks' point, but the things people are saying. On the topic of her point, though, is Azealia really one to talk about which words are okay to say and which words aren't? Like, did she just completely forget that she ever recorded 212? (no hate. it's an amazing song. but c'mon)

She's saying c*nt. She's a woman.


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She's saying c*nt. She's a woman.

still doesn't make it okay in my books, that's pretty much the most vulgar word there is. I kinda get that she doesn't think it's okay for people who wouldn't feel the hurt/ understand the offence caused to use the words that she's referring to but by using them herself in such a casual way kinda gives people the impression that she's got a pretty hypocritical opinion. And then using f****t to describe someone else is only reinforcing the fact that she's got a hypocritical opinion, even though she's saying she only uses the word because gays use b***h. I just can't understand why she'd make such a big deal out of it when she uses the words herself. I think, if anything, what Azealia's saying is showing how PC the world is supposed to be nowadays and how hypocritical & ironic it is. I agree with her in some ways but in others I just can't when it's coming from her.

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