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Thunder Revenant

Chelsea Wolfe

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Woah okay, wasn't expecting that. Im listening to her debut and im surprised by how good she is. I've been trying to find a new good artist for ages so thank you! im going to listen to her albums in order i think, exciting!!



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New album with her drummer, Jess, is out today! Self-Surgery under the artist name Mrs. Piss

It's cute and fun, especially the two lead singles. However, I'm happy it's out under a different name as it's a bit too straight-forward compared to the compositions and vibes of her other discography.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I'm seeing her in June next year.

I've only got a ticket for myself and I don't know anyone else who listens to her, but I'd be totally okay to just go myself and zone into her magnetic presence.

I went to a Hiss Spun concert in 2k18 alone, since none of my friends is into her music. It was definitly a great experience so don't worry!

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I went to a Hiss Spun concert in 2k18 alone, since none of my friends is into her music. It was definitly a great experience so don't worry!


Yeah I think her music is one of those things I'm always happy to enjoy myself anyway. I'd rather be there alone so I can soak it all in without anyone next to me speaking to me. 

Kinda feel like it will be an important night for me 

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I love her folkier stuff, but I hope she goes heavy again for the next album

I hope we get something "in between" like Apocalypsis or Abyss. Those albums are so on point, there is so much finesse within the songstructure and the production.

While I really like Birth Of Violence I feel like it was not as powerful and timeless as Unknown Rooms, especially the second half.

But seeing the Mrs. Piss collab with Jesse, I am sure the two will work closely on CW8 which might implie a heavier sound.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I was on a black metal kick during the last half of 2022. While searching for "female fronted black metal bands" I came across a playlist containing the song "Onde Born" by Myrkur, she mixes black metal elements with goth, doom, nordic folk instruments, and even orchestral pop similar to Lana. On the album "Mareridt" she has two collabs with Chelsea Wolfe (Funeral and Kvindelil), which is how I discovered her. I wish I knew who both these artists were years ago, I really love their music and stan them now. 


I love Chelsea's style of dark americana with goth/darkwave and rock/metal. I bumped this thread because I was listening to "The Grime And The Glow" album today. For an acoustic album with low quality it's still a jewel. It's so poetic, creepy but beautiful. The melody on "The Whys" sounds like something an indie rock or riot grrrl band would be playing, and because of its creepy acoustic sound it makes me picture in my head some story surrounding a haunted music venue. The last four songs are my favorites. The song "Sirenum Scopuli" had the same haunting effect on me that "Bentley" by Lana did. I feel like some of Lana's acapellas and more low quality unreleased Lizzy songs also have a beautifully haunting feel... for example: Bentley, Let My Hair Down, Axl Rose Husband, Elvis, Disco, Money Hunny, Strange love, Methamphetamines, Baby Blue Love, Hangin Around, A Star For Nick from May Jailer. Anyone else know what I mean?


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