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Charli XCX

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that "Famous" remix is so good, also found a few new official "Doing It" remixes last night. i'm just obessed with her remixes :flutter:



Could you please post your cover art for Charli remixes? I love it so much

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UHM GUYS :rip: This photo from the recent ELLE shoot is everything. :flutter:


With her mass of dark hair, exaggerated pout, and outspoken smarts, British star Charli XCX comes off like a pop superhero: a blend of Wonder Woman and Jem, dressed like Fairuza Balk in The Craftand belting out a candy- colored, grrrl-powered punch that's all her own. She grew up Charlotte Emma Aitchison, a wild London club kid who signed a record deal at 16 and renamed herself after her first online handle. As Charli XCX, she cranks out hits for herself—on her official debut, 2013'sTrue Romance, and last year's Sucker—and, as a songwriter-for-hire, for the likes of Gwen, Britney, and, rumor has it, Rihanna. She cowrote Icona Pop's global hit "I Love It" and helped Iggy Azalea ramp up the cheekiness on "Fancy." Next up...Blondie? Here, Charli and her longtime idol, Debbie Harry—both fiercely independent, generous, and committed to the idea that glamour is often the strongest form of rebellion—share a meeting of the minds.
ELLE: Charli, you're on tour in Europe with Katy Perry. How is it going?
CHARLI XCX: We're in Oslo right now. It's quite easy, if I'm honest, and I don't mean that in a rude way. But when you're opening for someone as big as Katy–I just get up for half an hour and I do my thing.
DEBBIE HARRY: On those big tours, you're part of this little army of musicians and technicians. That's fun. It's like you've got your own tribe.
ELLE: Debbie, you've been in the music industry for close to 50 years. What's the secret to a long and creatively consistent career?
DEBBIE: You have to be stubborn and demand your sanity. Sometimes that involves a lot of confrontation from the business world, which can break up your concentration or make you doubt what you're doing. But as far as I can see from Charli's wonderful career start, I mean, she's going full blast!
CHARLI: Thank you! From the moment I stepped into this industry, I've always had to fight for my ideas and for my voice to be heard. When I got signed, I had just turned 16. I felt like I had to continuously have these confrontations with older men who were doubting my ideas because I was a woman, because I was 16. I actually think it doesn't even matter what age you are or what sex—though that does play into it sometimes—you always have to fight in any kind of creative world because nobody knows your own brain and your own creative ideas better than you do.
DEBBIE: Art and commerce is such a drag. People think they can apply something to you that to them looks like a perfect fit but is absolutely totally uncomfortable to you. Whether it's sexist or not, it's just better to focus your energy on what you're doing and not really think about that all the time.
CHARLI: It's actually a really great time for women in pop music. In the '90s there was always this continuous pitting of women against each other in the media, trying to make them battle it out. But now I feel like we all have this very mutual respect for one another. Competition isn't really a thing. And that's amazing.
DEBBIE: Women have always been pushed against each other because of survival and getting a man. But now girls can pretty much do what they want, so there is camaraderie and there is support. I come from a much different time, a different generation. You could have one girlfriend if you were lucky. You could expect to get stabbed in the back by a girl. The bonding wasn't there. I also have to say that I think it's very fortunate that you started out in the UK, because I think the industry there is much more artist friendly.
CHARLI: I totally agree with that. I came from a town outside of London, and I started playing at these illegal warehouse parties when I was, like, 15. My parents let me do it, which was very cool of them. I feel like the first country that really embraced me was the U.S. And I think that's because of the blog culture in the U.S. being so much more of a thing than it is in the UK, especially for the kind of music I was making.
ELLE: As Charli's story shows us, nowadays every artist has, via the Internet, access to every pair of ears in the world.
DEBBIE: I wish that I had grown up with the Internet. I really do. Definitely.
CHARLI: Oh my God, are you serious?!

DEBBIE: Yeah. Why, are you sick of it?
CHARLI: Totally. I think everything was just so much better without it. ELLE: Charli, you've talked about how many of your dream collaborators, like Lou Reed, are already gone. Do you have a '70s New York fantasy? CHARLI: There was just more of a wilderness and mystery than there is now. Instead of it being about how to make really good music, it's just about how to get famous, which is a sad thing. DEBBIE: I have great fondness for that period, of course, for the innocence of it. It was very creative and a lot freer. But since I come from that, I go to that. I can create that kind of emptiness for myself quite easily because that's what I know, that's what my birthright is. ELLE: How do you locate that emptiness? DEBBIE: I go hang out with my friends and we don't play with our phones. We laugh a lot and we drink and we eat. Human things. Nothing robotic.


I just realized that they did the interview while she was in my hometown. :toofunny: I want to die, I miss ha.

Do you guys know where I can find good Charli cover art for my iTunes library because it's a mess.



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UHM GUYS :rip: This photo from the recent ELLE shoot is everything. :flutter:gallery-1431626344-elle-june-15-wim-char




I just realized that they did the interview while she was in my hometown. :toofunny: I want to die, I miss ha.




There was a cover for Allergic to love in there but it got deleted. Do you happen to have it? Or where I can find it.

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There was a cover for Allergic to love in there but it got deleted. Do you happen to have it? Or where I can find it.


No, sorry. Wasn't someone gonna make one for you tho? Can't remember who. :creep:


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OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I'm watching TV. The channel is BRAVO. The one that plays Housewives of ATL. There was this target commercial that played Groove is in the Heart. Charli's cover for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I hope someone can find it. They played parts that we haven't heard or aren't online.

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I'm watching TV. The channel is BRAVO. The one that plays Housewives of ATL. There was this target commercial that played Groove is in the Heart. Charli's cover for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I hope someone can find it. They played parts that we haven't heard or aren't online.


the commercial wouldn't have been 2:30, maybe it was the 1 min TV spot


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Oh guys I'm the one who won a bid on the Famous single CD but i bidded as a joke because I never win any but now I did LOL so like now i just gotta pay for it but right now i'm broke so i'll do it as soon as i can. The seller says that they like are going on holiday like soon so i'll probably get it next weekish? Idk how to post all the audio and stuff but i'll try my best lol.

:party: X Charli X  :party:

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