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me stating that jungle not being released on true romance is a shame shouldn't be considered 'insider behavior', or if you were talking about midnight, it's kinda an oldish known fact that it was a scrapped single from the album anyway, was just re-stating since the song came up and didn't know if many people knew about it :/

omg wasn't about you at all the jungle and midnight "tea" is suuuper old news and i'm pretty sure i shared that midnight info back on this thread in like 2014 lol, it's no secret that jungle (including the remix) and midnight are both absolute jams :bop:


i was just saying that as a blanket statement in regards to how quick we are to praise leakers, like they gave y'all the fucking scraps today of a DJ mustard session and it all just went right back into Lanaboards mode lol, i just don't want people elevating eclipse to god-status anymore, it's getting annoying. 

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mess @ me forgetting about Pretty Girls so hard that I first thought Heart in My Pocket was one of the two DJ Mustard demos from the Discord leaks of 2017 and then thought it was Fancy's instrumental

te deseo, cariño

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It would be such a blessing if we could get some of the LQ tracks (Violins & Violence, Our Boyfriend, Same Old Love, Issues, Imma Take You Offline, Champion, Million, Money, Tough Love, In the Darkness, 7 Day Holiday, Love Me) in HQ. We basically have them in full already, so I don't understand why some of them are being hoarded still!


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It would be such a blessing if we could get some of the LQ tracks (Violins & Violence, Our Boyfriend, Same Old Love, Issues, Imma Take You Offline, Champion, Million, Money, Tough Love, In the Darkness, 7 Day Holiday, Love Me) in HQ. We basically have them in full already, so I don't understand why some of them are being hoarded still!

there's only 1 person with all of these songs and they read this thread daily :air: plz... we are dying, be charitable again

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there's only 1 person with all of these songs and they read this thread daily :air: plz... we are dying, be charitable again

Ohhhh that sucks :( I was hoping that these were being widely circulated. 


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i’ve been doing it by putting the leaks from the year together, but one day i’d love to do it like my Lana songs with “2010,” “2011,” “2012,” “2013,” etc. It’s just hard to know when they were made for a lot of them, so I think I’ll keep them in just yearly leaks. I sort it into different discs to help keep it organized.



i am honestly begging you to share screenshots of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the Doing It demo never fails to eviscerate me :defeated:


i c u @@Madrigal don't hide


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charli better release the new single this friday i don't care if she said it's gonna take more time than the others i want it this friday 




All The Time would overshadow it 



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tea but i don't care



this friday is also 1 year since we got mow that lawn in full hq  :flutter:



Charlie better make sure there's a decent video to go with it soon after release


If Dorian Electra can consistently do it she has no excuse 



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