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ddd at Iondon Queen getting more promo then POP2 :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:


Ahhahah I know right?? :toofunny:


Wasn't POP2 released independently though, like isn't that kinda the deal behind the mixtapes? That explains the lack of any real promotion and the (very small) scale tour for N1A last year...

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Ahhahah I know right?? :toofunny:


Wasn't POP2 released independently though, like isn't that kinda the deal behind the mixtapes? That explains the lack of any real promotion and the (very small) scale tour for N1A last year...

no..atIantic was stiII behind both mixtapes....but they didn't invest in them Iike they wouId with an aIbum....there was no budget :toofunny: 

We will onIy get MV's and real promo + tour with an album release  :deadbanana:  :defeated:  :(  :crossed:


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no..atIantic was stiII behind both mixtapes....but they didn't invest in them Iike they wouId with an aIbum....there was no budget :toofunny: 

We will onIy get MV's and real promo + tour with an album release  :deadbanana:  :defeated:  :(  :crossed:


Ohhhhh, and since when does Atlantic care about budgets and money now?? lol They obviously don't want any of ours for XCX3 or the Exchange tracks! :teehee: :facepalm: :teehee:

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Ohhhhh, and since when does Atlantic care about budgets and money now?? lol They obviously don't want any of ours for XCX3 or the Exchange tracks! :teehee: :facepalm: :teehee:

CharIi said that they want our money in 2018 instead of in 2016 or 2017 :crossed:


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