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Wait...Cybiko Ieaked XCX3......omfg...im kinda shook by this tea  :hdu:  :hdu:  :hdu:  :hdu: 


the reason i say that is because immediately after it happened he doxxed me everywhere (as if it were actually going to do any damage to my livelihood lmfao) and tweeted at Atlantic tagging me and shit to try to frame me


so it just adds up

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the reason i say that is because immediately after it happened he doxxed me everywhere (as if it were actually going to do any damage to my livelihood lmfao) and tweeted at Atlantic tagging me and shit to try to frame me


so it just adds up

oh wow cybikos been xcxposed!

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I Wanna Be With U was the first to leak randomly on the internet, then the same happened with Waterfall days later.  Cybiko leaked Bounce (in this thread, iconic), and GNO, CYHM, 1UD4 and DLW turned up on twitter in a zip a week later. Queen Lizzy was leaked later that night in LQ and in HQ with Come To My Party by Dennis on churchcloud 

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I Wanna Be With U was the first to leak randomly on the internet, then the same happened with Waterfall days later.  Cybiko leaked Bounce (in this thread, iconic), and GNO, CYHM, 1UD4 and DLW turned up on twitter in a zip a week later. Queen Lizzy was leaked later that night in LQ and in HQ with Come To My Party by Dennis on churchcloud 


cybiko also leaked IWBWU

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cybiko (myles) also leaked IWBWU


actually confirmed it in a DM to me


also leaked her email address to me


this person is the culprit for most of the leaks and damage to Charli XCX's career


I thought it was him because the file had no tags except for "cybiko" in the artist name or something. Just didn't wanna accuse them of it lol

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cybiko (myles) also leaked IWBWU


actually confirmed it in a DM to me


also leaked her email address to me


this person is the culprit for most of the leaks and damage to Charli XCX's career


wow, expose him legend!!!  :gurl:

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So....who's turning in Cybiko? I'm up to do it......im aIready hated on here and Ieaving soon so..... :creep: 


I'II even be a witness at the stand... :creep: 


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