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Toronto, ON @ Molson Canadian Amphithere - June 3rd, 2015

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Hello all,


I was at the show last night, I was front row in section 201 (front row after the pit).  I had a great view, and Lana sang beautifully as always.  This is my second time seeing her, first time was last year at the Sony Centre in Toronto.


Did anyone else notice when Lana said "You guys are soooooooo loud", that she said it with a hint of sarcasm?  Am I crazy here?  I felt it was a sarcastic comment, but I'm really not sure.  


Comparing other cities' youtube videos with last night's show, she didn't seem to be that happy on stage in Toronto.  That's the vibe I got anyway.  She just didn't seem to be enjoying herself.  You could tell that she was really happy with everyone in the pit, and she even moved her mic stand to be closer to them on the right side, but other than that she didn't talk to the crowd much or smile much.  Same vibe I got when I saw her last year.


What do you guys think?

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My friend was at the Toronto show yesterday and he's in Montreal now for tonights show. He actually saw the person pulling Lana's hair last year and it was not an accident.


I wouldn't say she hates Toronto because of this, but people seem to behave badly over there. Drunk people being taken out by security and Lana making sarcastic comment about the audience being too loud... Judging her audience negativly is not her style, she's very tolerent, but I guess she was really annoyed this time.

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  On 6/4/2015 at 5:55 AM, QUEEN BITCH said:

 I barely think concerts are worth it unless you're GA


Is it any better in the pit?  I had seats when I saw her, but it looked like every single person in the pit had their arm/phones up too.  Doesn't seem like it'd make a difference unless you're absolute front row...

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  On 6/4/2015 at 3:06 PM, akd11 said:

Did anyone else notice when Lana said "You guys are soooooooo loud", that she said it with a hint of sarcasm?  Am I crazy here?  I felt it was a sarcastic comment, but I'm really not sure.  

Everyone on my side of the pit was screaming her lyrics, I thought she was referring to that.

Soooo happy though cause I filmed almost all of it and last time all you could hear was my wailing, but this time since the mic wasn't facing the crowd I got none of it, just lana's voice :)


And to add to this post:

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You should make it clear for security early on you want to save your spots in line. They literally came without warning, opened the barricade in the middle/front part of the line, and they were like "if you're GA you need to get out" and you had to show them your ticket. Apparently the people who tried to cut in line ended up being one of the first ones in line :(


We were supposed to be let in at 5:30 so we were all lined up in order of our wrist bands from 4:50. They didn't let us in until 6:30. This fucking bird kept flying down and pecking people's head.

When we got in, @@VelvetNight and I were the opposite of the stairs. So I left, thinking she never comes that way. I went to the other side where the stairs were facing and got nearly centre. The security guard was hella nice and held my spot while I pee'd cause I had previously chugged a whole bottle of water. And the people, even in second row, were nice enough to let me have my spot back anyways. When I got back, I soon saw regular GA  stampeding down the stairs... lol. They made second row. 


Grimes came on, no pushing there. She was great. People were mean though. Someone said "We don't care about grimes. I only want to see Lana" She had these mime dancer people and one came down and I got a flower :) She looked like she was rhaving a lot of fun. She went up at about 7:45-7:50, and was finished at about 8:30-8:40? 


We were expecting Lana at 9:40 but at about 9:00 we heard thunder sounds and shit and everyone was freaking out. I was like why??? Apparently they play that before she's about to come out. The band came out, sleep walk played, then Blake came out playing the beginning of cruel world and I saw her come out and I started freaking out. The curtains dropped to reveal the building backdrops. 

She was amazing :) She said things like "You guys are so loud... Everything okay in there?", and that  Toronto isn't so far from where she grew up in Lake Placid. During Ultraviolence, I think, she came down and took someone's letter. She did skip songs, her set did feel very short :( People kept using my back and head as an armrest so they could hold their camera's up high. I kept shrugging them off. Didn't help much.  At off to the races I was pushed really hard against the barricade. She went and I saw her getting farther and father away from me. Booo. But @@VelvetNight got to meet her which is amazing. At one point I blew her a kiss and she blew one back. 


Overall I do not think Silver VIP is worth it for 250$. All you get is shitty merchandise and early entry. Not enough for that money IMO. I'm still glad I got it cause I think it was the only way to get a good spot in the front. Next tour I definitely  want her to do meet and greet packages. 



  On 6/4/2015 at 3:06 PM, akd11 said:

Comparing other cities' youtube videos with last night's show, she didn't seem to be that happy on stage in Toronto.  That's the vibe I got anyway.  She just didn't seem to be enjoying herself.  You could tell that she was really happy with everyone in the pit, and she even moved her mic stand to be closer to them on the right side, but other than that she didn't talk to the crowd much or smile much.  Same vibe I got when I saw her last year.


What do you guys think?


I think she was happy. I haven't seen other videos but she kept making cute lil faces and during video games I think we would point at her when she said "it's you, it's you, it's all for you" and she'd point back. 


QUEEN BITCH, on 04 Jun 2015 - 01:55 AM, said:snapback.png

  On 6/4/2015 at 5:55 AM, QUEEN BITCH said:

 I barely think concerts are worth it unless you're GA


Noo! I would get seating next time if I got to meet Lana already. You can dress how you want, arrive when you want, leave your seat inbetween acts to use the bathroom, get food, or buy merch. GA is only good for front row. I think I'd be miserable otherwise. Getting pushed around and such.  


Also, I got sunburned really bad. So did other people. Didn't notice it because it was cold. Don't forget sunscreen. 


Some pictures:


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  On 6/4/2015 at 5:47 AM, VelvetNight said:

Hi everyone, I am home from the concert tonight! Here's my experience, hope this helps for future attendees lining up. BTW I had silver VIP



- if you're lining up for the pit, split the regular and VIP lines early on

- my guess is that there were around 70-90 silver VIP

- I got a selfie with Lana! Life goal complete!!! 

- Lana accepted my gift!!!! It was a embroidered flag of a scene from Ride


Early line up for pit admission

I got there at 6am with @@Bae. I was #16 by the system made by the people that arrived first (they camped out from the day before). We had a mixed line of regular and VIP which was a mess. The venue staff came at 1pm and told all regular tickets to come out of the line, and line up in a different area. Of course everyone got up and rushed to the exit. So the regular tickets that had camped out all night were no longer in the first spots, I felt bad for them. 

While lining up around noon (before the lines got split), 2 regular tickets came with their mom and tried to cut in line. Their argument was that there was empty space along the barricade, so they were entitled to bud the ~40 regular tickets and take that space. People tried to reason with them but they (mostly the mom) did not understand respect for others....

The VIP line got a little mixed up and the venue staff said that our number systems would not matter anymore. But we all agreed that we would stay in our number order, like civilized human beings. 

3:30-4pm the VIP host came to give numbered wristbands. Then we could leave until 5pm to pick up the actual tickets


Entering the Pit

We didn't get swag bags, since they will be shipped to us. Maybe this is because we're a Canadian location. Anyway I prefer this.

Then we lined up again in another area. Later the VIP host put everyone back in order, more waiting, then they lead us in single filed. 

I was front row center! Just to the right of the mic and the stairs (which were in the middle of the stage). I tried to make space for myself along the barricade but every time I moved the smallest muscle, my space would shrink. Another VIP girl with number 50-ish was behind me (2nd row). 


Physical Experience in the Pit

I suggested to my neighbours that if anyone tried to get on the barricade from behind us, we would grab eachothers' arms. No one tried to get inbetween us! I was amazed. There was constant pressure on my back from the other people. A girl was kneeing me in the back of my knee, but I think it was not intentional. I ended up taking a wider stance and she ended up having a leg inbetween mine :S I'm 5'2" so I guess that was a good position for her to look right over my head.

When Lana came closer (to the steps or the other side of the barricade) the crowd would surge from sides and behind. When that happened, literally I have not felt so much force across my whole torso ever. I had a letter for Lana between me and the barricade, and I really had to fight to get the smallest gap to slide it out.

My brother who was in the second row, but ended up 3rd row said the concert felt like being in strong ocean currents.

I was holding my flag over the barricade, and a photographer came to take some photos of it. I felt very cool. He looked like Francesco but darker haired. 


My Concert Experience 

Grimes- I was not into her music previously, but the energy she puts on just makes you feel like having fun. She's very entertaining, humble and spunky. She was very confident and delivered in her performance. 

Lana (singing)- AMAZINGGGGG! She was gorgeous, confident, smiled a lot, really into it, vocally strong. I'm bad at remembering the set list, but no DR, UATW, YCBTB. She did the SK moan, and had that "I know you're all going to go crazy" look on her face, what a sweetie. She did come down the steps once but didn't really go towards the crowd. I don't remember her saying HM will be released in September, I heard her say "this year".

Lana (greeting fans)- She came down at the end with OTTR instrumental in the background. So I know there is a theory that she greets people on the right side of the stairs, but she only went to the left. When she was 5 people away from me I was so nervous that she would for some reason go back or skip me (I'm skeptical and have low expectations to avoid let downs). I swear I saw her hair get caught on something, but it was quickly freed and she smiled as if we all knew that her hair was pulled last year in Toronto. 

When she got to me, she looked me in the eyes and I could not say what I had rehearsed millions of times before. I think I said "I made this for you" about the flag I made. But I think I was really quiet because I was so shocked, and she couldn't hear. Also I didn't want to lean in to say it in case I got pushed forward or she likes her personal space. So we took a picture together!!!! I still cannot believe that this happened! She didn't take my gift because we had the misunderstanding. She moved on to greet others. I wasn't sure if I could give it to her so I motioned to the security guard infront of me to put my gift on the stage, but he gestured for me to give it to her (she was much further down at that point). When she came back to go up the steps again, I stuck out my flag and letter as far as I could. I think I had a crying face on at that point because I was so overwhelmed. She gave me a look of appreciation like "really, you are willing to giving this to me?" I nodded and she took it!!! Omg, what a Goddess indeed. I'm still in shock and can't believe this all happened!! I don't know how to add pictures, but you can see them on my Insta account "weekendirene"


But sadly a girl I knew from the line was taking a selfie with Lana, but because so many people were pushing, she couldn't get the photo. I feel really bad for her. And I don't understand why people in the back rows stick their arms out to take a really close up photo of Lana or take a photo of Lana and whoever she is taking a selfie with? Anyway, it was unfortunate and I just feel bad for her. 


Hope you enjoyed the story of my experience! 

do you have a picture of the flag? I'd love to see it


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Forgot to mention that during Shades of Cool when she sang "he calls for me and not for youuuuu" she reached right to me! I was so star struck!! SOC is my favourite song from UV and I was at the show when she first performed it live last October.  


@@DominicMars I would have got you something, I was thinking should I buy some stuff in case people on LB would want it, but I didn't see a lot of interest before the show. I should have asked openly on LB anyway, sorry.


@@kik the drunk people were only in the seats, the pit fans were all sober from what I could tell since we were outside all day. So I'm not sure Lana would have noticed how obnoxious it was. Although I agree that people from Toronto can be quite the jerks with a bad reputation already.  It's disgusting that the hair pulling from last year was not an accident. I was very anxious that she wouldn't come down because of it. Maybe she seemed annoyed because she had that impression of us from last year.


@@QUEEN BITCH  I saw a lot of older men go in through the gold VIP line. Sucks that they had their arms up blocking you. I didn't film anything because I figured there's tonnes of people already doing that.


@@akd11 When she mentioned that we were so loud, I did not sense it as sarcasm at all. We were really loud in the pit, I think she said it meaning she couldn't really hear herself. Especially because she later said something like "If we were told before (it seemed she was referencing a time before her Sony Centre show) that there would be so many people up here (meaning Toronto, the North lol) singing our songs, we would not believe it." She said it in an emotional and grateful way. I thought she was so happy, she was smiling and pointing, engaging with fans and pointing the mic to us to sing! Yes, she did move the mic stand forward, which I really felt was a sign that she liked being there.


@@Bae Adding that during Ultraviolence she came down the stairs, but stayed there with her back against the stage, which made me think she would be hesitant to come greet us (bc of the hair pulling last year, I can't get over it). Just before she went back up, she reached out and took some fan letters, but really did keep her distance.

A little later she asked her security guard to bring up a bunch of flowers and a letter from the fans on the left side. She was wavying and talking with the left side, and then she blew the kiss to you. I was so envious, thinking that she was paying more attention to the left side. But I was hopeful that she would come to the right side (against our normal theory) because she didn't collect any gift from our side yet.

I also think I'll get seats next time because being in the front I was always anxious that I would get pushed out of my spot and whether Lana will come greet me. Although it was amazing to have her singing right in front of me! 


@@futuretro the flag is shown on my instagram weekendirene  (<-link)

Bury me to Bel Air.

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  On 6/4/2015 at 5:32 PM, VelvetNight said:

@@kik the drunk people were only in the seats, the pit fans were all sober from what I could tell since we were outside all day. So I'm not sure Lana would have noticed how obnoxious it was. Although I agree that people from Toronto can be quite the jerks with a bad reputation already.  It's disgusting that the hair pulling from last year was not an accident. I was very anxious that she wouldn't come down because of it. Maybe she seemed annoyed because she had that impression of us from last year.


I stayed behind after and there was a lot of empty beer cans on the ground. And I smelt a lot of weed but yeah it was the people near the back i think lol

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  On 6/4/2015 at 5:55 AM, QUEEN BITCH said:

I was in the 201 section, which is pretty close considering how many seats were behind me... and I could barely see Lana all night long. There were so many grown men? Not singing along or anything but with their arms straight up recording on phones. And the amount of fake fans around just STANDING THERE AND TALKING? And yeah sitting down during Chelsea, my favourite ruined by drunk girls screaming. Lana sounded amazing though, I loved the set and the band was great. I really just am disappointed, not her fault obviously. I barely think concerts are worth it unless you're GA

I was in the 201 section as well, there was one girl who had a fucking ipad out the entire time I made sure she heard me when I said "Im going to grab that ipad and throw it"

Live Forever Golden Grill.

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  On 6/4/2015 at 4:29 AM, CokoKilos said:

When Lana played CH a lot of bandwagon fans sat down (I actually recorded them via snapchat calling them bandwagon fans for sitting down :lel:)


Gosh, I think you're being a little bit harsh -- just because someone sits down for a slow, obscure, semi-released cover song it makes them a "bandwagon fan"?

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  On 6/4/2015 at 7:24 PM, Bae said:

I stayed behind after and there was a lot of empty beer cans on the ground. And I smelt a lot of weed but yeah it was the people near the back i think lol

I meant drunk as in drunk getting their butts dragged out. Yea when I was leaving the floor was a puddle of beer. And yea the weed smell wafting around lol. But their weren't people behaving obnoxiously drunk around me.


The security guards were looking for iPads and telling people to put then away. Do people not have better forms of picture taking?


Tbh if I had a seat, I would sit down during CH if I still had a good view. Its a mellow song to listen to while relaxing.

Bury me to Bel Air.

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@@VelvetNight Thanks for the awesome write-up! I'm glad you got your selfie with Lana. Now we just need to see it... :)


@@Bae There was plenty of weed smell at my show, too. Courtney Love was teasing us (the crowd) about it, too; at one point, she said "Aren't you guys a little young to be smoking weed?" LOL

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  On 6/4/2015 at 4:00 PM, Litty said:

Is it any better in the pit?  I had seats when I saw her, but it looked like every single person in the pit had their arm/phones up too.  Doesn't seem like it'd make a difference unless you're absolute front row...


  On 6/4/2015 at 4:27 PM, Bae said:



QUEEN BITCH, on 04 Jun 2015 - 01:55 AM, said:snapback.png


Noo! I would get seating next time if I got to meet Lana already. You can dress how you want, arrive when you want, leave your seat inbetween acts to use the bathroom, get food, or buy merch. GA is only good for front row. I think I'd be miserable otherwise. Getting pushed around and such.  


Every other concert I've been to was GA, although I'm usually near the front I just feel like the connection with the singer is better in GA. Especially with someone like Lana where it's about her voice and she doesn't have this big stage production going on in a larger venue like that. I've never met her though yet so :( but the benefits of seats kind of were turned to shit by the people around me.  Her fucking vocals in Shades though....

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  On 6/4/2015 at 5:47 AM, VelvetNight said:

Hi everyone, I am home from the concert tonight! Here's my experience, hope this helps for future attendees lining up. BTW I had silver VIP



- if you're lining up for the pit, split the regular and VIP lines early on

- my guess is that there were around 70-90 silver VIP

- I got a selfie with Lana! Life goal complete!!!

- Lana accepted my gift!!!! It was a embroidered flag of a scene from Ride


Early line up for pit admission

I got there at 6am with @@Bae. I was #16 by the system made by the people that arrived first (they camped out from the day before). We had a mixed line of regular and VIP which was a mess. The venue staff came at 1pm and told all regular tickets to come out of the line, and line up in a different area. Of course everyone got up and rushed to the exit. So the regular tickets that had camped out all night were no longer in the first spots, I felt bad for them.

While lining up around noon (before the lines got split), 2 regular tickets came with their mom and tried to cut in line. Their argument was that there was empty space along the barricade, so they were entitled to bud the ~40 regular tickets and take that space. People tried to reason with them but they (mostly the mom) did not understand respect for others....

The VIP line got a little mixed up and the venue staff said that our number systems would not matter anymore. But we all agreed that we would stay in our number order, like civilized human beings.

3:30-4pm the VIP host came to give numbered wristbands. Then we could leave until 5pm to pick up the actual tickets


Entering the Pit

We didn't get swag bags, since they will be shipped to us. Maybe this is because we're a Canadian location. Anyway I prefer this.

Then we lined up again in another area. Later the VIP host put everyone back in order, more waiting, then they lead us in single filed.

I was front row center! Just to the right of the mic and the stairs (which were in the middle of the stage). I tried to make space for myself along the barricade but every time I moved the smallest muscle, my space would shrink. Another VIP girl with number 50-ish was behind me (2nd row).


Physical Experience in the Pit

I suggested to my neighbours that if anyone tried to get on the barricade from behind us, we would grab eachothers' arms. No one tried to get inbetween us! I was amazed. There was constant pressure on my back from the other people. A girl was kneeing me in the back of my knee, but I think it was not intentional. I ended up taking a wider stance and she ended up having a leg inbetween mine :S I'm 5'2" so I guess that was a good position for her to look right over my head.

When Lana came closer (to the steps or the other side of the barricade) the crowd would surge from sides and behind. When that happened, literally I have not felt so much force across my whole torso ever. I had a letter for Lana between me and the barricade, and I really had to fight to get the smallest gap to slide it out.

My brother who was in the second row, but ended up 3rd row said the concert felt like being in strong ocean currents.

I was holding my flag over the barricade, and a photographer came to take some photos of it. I felt very cool. He looked like Francesco but darker haired.


My Concert Experience

Grimes- I was not into her music previously, but the energy she puts on just makes you feel like having fun. She's very entertaining, humble and spunky. She was very confident and delivered in her performance.

Lana (singing)- AMAZINGGGGG! She was gorgeous, confident, smiled a lot, really into it, vocally strong. I'm bad at remembering the set list, but no DR, UATW, YCBTB. She did the SK moan, and had that "I know you're all going to go crazy" look on her face, what a sweetie. She did come down the steps once but didn't really go towards the crowd. I don't remember her saying HM will be released in September, I heard her say "this year".

Lana (greeting fans)- She came down at the end with OTTR instrumental in the background. So I know there is a theory that she greets people on the her right side of the stairs, but she only went to her left. When she was 5 people away from me I was so nervous that she would for some reason go back or skip me (I'm skeptical and have low expectations to avoid let downs). I swear I saw her hair get caught on something, but it was quickly freed and she smiled as if we all knew that her hair was pulled last year in Toronto.

When she got to me, she looked me in the eyes and I could not say what I had rehearsed millions of times before. I think I said "I made this for you" about the flag I made. But I think I was really quiet because I was so shocked, and she couldn't hear. Also I didn't want to lean in to say it in case I got pushed forward or she likes her personal space. So we took a picture together!!!! I still cannot believe that this happened! She didn't take my gift because we had the misunderstanding. She moved on to greet others. I wasn't sure if I could give it to her so I motioned to the security guard infront of me to put my gift on the stage, but he gestured for me to give it to her (she was much further down at that point). When she came back to go up the steps again, I stuck out my flag and letter as far as I could. I think I had a crying face on at that point because I was so overwhelmed. She gave me a look of appreciation like "really, you are willing to giving this to me?" I nodded and she took it!!! Omg, what a Goddess indeed. I'm still in shock and can't believe this all happened!! I don't know how to add pictures, but you can see them on my Insta account "weekendirene"


But sadly a girl I knew from the line was taking a selfie with Lana, but because so many people were pushing, she couldn't get the photo. I feel really bad for her. And I don't understand why people in the back rows stick their arms out to take a really close up photo of Lana or take a photo of Lana and whoever she is taking a selfie with? Anyway, it was unfortunate and I just feel bad for her.


Hope you enjoyed the story of my experience!



Wow!!!! Sounds amazing!!! I've been trying to find people with Gold packages to ask, but maybe you'll know some of the answers. 

I'm going to the Atlanta concert June 14th, My friend and I already have VIP Pit tickets, but bought the Gold VIP Packages for early entry, plus the Silver is sold out, so Live Nation said we can still use our Pit tickets

We haven't been to a concert in years, except for the Dallas concert which didn't go as planned.

Can you give me any information on what to expect please?

Like, do we need to get there early? They said we will pick up the Gold VIP's at the venue. 

What was included in the gift bag?

How soon do Gold enter the Lounge before Silver?

Do they let Gold enter the venue before Silver? (Like I said, we're still getting to use our Pit tickets even though we have assigned seats.) And if so, how soon?

If we have to use the restroom, will we be allowed back in our spots?

What was the preshow party like?

I apologize for so many questions...just really excited!!! And if you can think of anything I didn't ask, I appreciate any information. 

Thanks in advance 

PS: I loved your pics on Instagram!! I'm following you now LOL!!! I'll post pics of the Atlanta concert!! 

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  On 6/4/2015 at 8:16 PM, Litty said:

Gosh, I think you're being a little bit harsh -- just because someone sits down for a slow, obscure, semi-released cover song it makes them a "bandwagon fan"?


Show respect to the artist playing if you know the song or not, plain and simple. it wasn't just one person it was an entire section in the 201 area and im sure in other area's of the concert venue. I have no problem speaking up about things in front of peoples faces :byeh8rs2:

Live Forever Golden Grill.

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  On 6/5/2015 at 2:10 AM, CokoKilos said:

Show respect to the artist playing if you know the song or not, plain and simple. it wasn't just one person it was an entire section in the 201 area and im sure in other area's of the concert venue. I have no problem speaking up about things in front of peoples faces :byeh8rs2:


So sitting down in a seat you paid for is showing disrespect in your world?  Gosh, I'm glad you were there to make sure everyone only had fun in the exact way you feel appropriate. 

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  On 6/5/2015 at 2:18 AM, Litty said:

So sitting down in a seat you paid for is showing disrespect in your world?  Gosh, I'm glad you were there to make sure everyone only had fun in the exact way you feel appropriate. 


$100 seats, get what you paid for, enjoy the show..You can sit your ass at home for free if you want to be salty :lel:

Live Forever Golden Grill.

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  On 6/5/2015 at 3:21 AM, CokoKilos said:

$100 seats, get what you paid for, enjoy the show..You can sit your ass at home for free if you want to be salty :lel:


So now if someone sits down for one slow song that they've never heard of they're being "salty"?  It sounds like you just really get off on judging strangers.

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For the record. She didn't say "you guys are so loud" she said "wow it sounds really loud out there!" And she said it pretty pleasantly with a smile. I didn't detect any sarcasm.


But the show was great. The set was short but what else is new. Her vocals were on point and I liked that there was backing vocals this time. That plus the band really put a lot more umph into the songs. I saw her last year in Montreal and this year was much better just in terms of quality. I was disappointed that she didn't play a lot of her big songs though. No national anthem, body electric, or ride.


But all in all it was a great show. Plus grimes won me over too lol

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  On 6/5/2015 at 3:24 AM, Litty said:

So now if someone sits down for one slow song that they've never heard of they're being "salty"?  It sounds like you just really get off on judging strangers.

I was talking about you being Salty, boo boo lol, Bandwagon fans are different :hottie:

Live Forever Golden Grill.

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