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I think this is what you've heard she's NOT doing


Idk I stopped paying attention to her after I saw her in December of 2013 and had to walk out of one her shows because she was being such a pompous douchebag. That Carousel and Dollhouse song sound pretty much the same as Halsey's style to me and imo they're both just as big of douches to their fans so maybe because you're a fan you see otherwise but they seem like they're in the same lane to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I don't get the Melanie comparisons in here bc what Melanie is doing is pretty unique in terms of the concept and execution in imagery


I think bc they both emerged with their own music around the same time and have the same fan base, they're like Lana and Marina


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Idk I stopped paying attention to her after I saw her in December of 2013 and had to walk out of one her shows because she was being such a pompous douchebag. That Carousel and Dollhouse song sound pretty much the same as Halsey's style to me and imo they're both just as big of douches to their fans so maybe because you're a fan you see otherwise but they seem like they're in the same lane to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's so weird to hear people have such negative experiences with Melanie. When I met her she was really sweet.


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I don't get the Melanie comparisons in here bc what Melanie is doing is pretty unique in terms of the concept and execution in imagery


I mean I'm not saying they're doing the same things. I'm saying they are geared towards the same market. And their vocal style definitely has very noticeable similarities. I get that whatever Melanie is dong now is conceptual, I just think it all hits in the same 15-25 year old internet wanna-be indie but still mainstream accessible market.

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It's so weird to hear people have such negative experiences with Melanie. When I met her she was really sweet.


She was just very dismissive of what little amount of fans she had there at the time (there were like maybe 30 people there and it was a small acoustic set). Most people there only knew her from what they had seen on the Voice, I had looked into her more at that point but she really didn't have much out there. At the show people tried to ask her about the voice and tell her about how much they loved her on the show and she just kind of shrugged it off while playing cover after cover as she really didn't have her own material at that point. She was miserable the entire show and it got to the point where it was like it was pointless to sit there and watch her sigh out the covers she did on the voice and listen to her vague and uninterested answers to fans questions/comments.

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She was just very dismissive of what little amount of fans she had there at the time (there were like maybe 30 people there and it was a small acoustic set). Most people there only knew her from what they had seen on the Voice, I had looked into her more at that point but she really didn't have much out there. At the show people tried to ask her about the voice and tell her about how much they loved her on the show and she just kind of shrugged it off while playing cover after cover as she really didn't have her own material at that point. She was miserable the entire show and it got to the point where it was like it was pointless to sit there and watch her sigh out the covers she did on the voice and listen to her vague and uninterested answers to fans questions/comments.

I think she really hates people mentioning Xtina and The Voice since she didn't win (and Xtina's bitterness).


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Only if Halsey stop her bulshit 





















































































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Guys chill. Making comparisons is totally normal. I think it's healthy for newcoming artists to examine the trends of their era and letting some of them influence their vision. No one's vision is a brick wall. 

It's extremely rare for artists to create a trend of their own. It sort of happened with Lana mainly because popstars of the time (Gaga, Katy) had reached eccentricity and provocation to the extent where there was no way back. Lana and other alternative pop artists brought simplicity and vulnerability back to the market. It was fresh and appealing back then. 


Now... I'm angry at people that think Halsey, for instance, owes her life to Lana. No she doesn't. She's got a talent of her own. On the other hand, I'm angry at those who act like they don't see the slighest similarity, It's like they're closing their eyes to the whole picture. Give credits to the one that should be given and then enjoy the music. That's all. 


Welcome Melanie and Halsey to the Family. They're the 3rd generation if I'm not mistaken. 

Lana and Marina being the first.

Sky and Charli being the second. :P

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I think that Halsey has potential, even if she's not too original. She still needs to find her style as she's a really young artist. I'm actually looking forward to the album. She's already working on the next one so we probably won't have to wait too long for it. Then we'll see if she's trying to evolve and find a more original sound.

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Hold Me Down (Live) Vevo Lift


she's definitely talented. if she's a bit manifactured? maybe. and boring to some people? maybe. but talented? definitely. she's a great singer.

this version is so, so, so good.


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