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LB Listens! - Week 5: HOLYCHILD

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I'm pretty open minded when it comes to music but here's my review


Foundation- really like that it reminds me of a space exploration movie soundtrack- B

Real- nothing special really pops out- D

Shine- cute, fun song, I like it- A

Take Shelter- chill vibes- B

Worship- groovy and I like the 'take me to church' lyricism- A

Eyes Shut- this gave me chills, i loved the 8-bit instrumental part- A

Ties- a bop honestly- A

King- Holy shit- A

Desire- pretty good- B

Gold- alright- C

Without- it's beautiful and it actually made me cry for some reason- A

Border- production reminds me of the Wii Shop channel and I love it- A

Memo- smoooooth as fuck- B


I'm a sucker for synth pop, I like their music and would definitely listen again.

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I liked the singles they released prior the album a lot, so I thought the album would be very good, too, but I was so wrong  :crossed:


Foundation - F
Real - B
Shine - C
Take Shelter - A
Worship - A
Eyes Shut - D
Ties - B
King - A
Desire - A
Gold - C
Without - F
Border - D
Memo - B

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First off, y'all that poorly rated this record are some hatin ass bitches. It's one of this year's strongest releases and that many C's and F's will NOT be tolerated  :hooker:


Foundation - F

Real - C

Shine - A

Take Shelter - C

Worship - A

Eyes Shut - A

Ties - A

King - A

Desire - A

Gold - A

Without - A

Border - A

Memo - A


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First off, y'all that poorly rated this record are some hatin ass bitches. It's one of this year's strongest releases and that many C's and F's will NOT be tolerated :hooker:

Foundation - F

Real - C

Shine - A

Take Shelter - C

Worship - A

Eyes Shut - A

Ties - A

King - A

Desire - A

Gold - A

Without - A

Border - A

Memo - A

FR FR :( it's like we weren't listening to the same thing, but I guess it's not for evry1 :rip:

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oMG YASS I stan Years & Years so much. Expect a lot of A's/B's….

(Also, I'm including the bonus tracks too)


Foundation - B
Real - B
Shine - B
Take Shelter - A
Worship - B
Eyes Shut - C
Ties - B
King - B
Desire - A
Gold - C
Without - B
Border - A
Memo - A

1977 - A

Ready For You - B

I Want To Love - B

King (Acoustic) - C



My favourite is definitely 1977, followed by Desire, they are such a unique songs!

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Foundation - C

Real - A

Shine - A

Take Shelter - A

Worship - A

Eyes Shut - B

Ties - A

King - A

Desire - A

Gold - B

Without -B

Border - B

Memo - A


I love this album so much. They don't do anything particularly groundbreaking, but the songs are really strong overall. It's really listenable and I can easily listen to it from start to finish (in contrast to - UV which I love but it's hard to listen to it from start to finish). It has some really catchy hooks and melodies which have quickly entered my brain as earworms.


ps. Don't really understand the savagery towards it by some people - all F apart from a C for King? :air:


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I highly suggest reviewing LP1 by FKA Twigs, I think it would be interesting to see the different reactions.

Yo soy él, cegado por tu inocencia, y esperando el día en el que me veas, aunque parece tardar más que la promesa de felicidad.                                                                                            

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Are we going to do this anymore? I actually enjoyed doing it. :toofunny: :rip:


yes, but I'd like more people to participate in the next one...the forum being down killed momentum


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I know people have already listened and rated Communion, but I thought I'd add my $0.02 as it helps me get used to writing reviews and scoring I guess. I'm going to rate out of 5 cause I'm used to that..... :whatever2:



Foundation - 3.5/5 - I think it's a sexy intro.  :grinds:


Real 3.5 or 4 depends/5 - It's a bit generic and boring sounding, something you'd hear when you're shopping in Hollister which isn't a good thing. If there was more of that bass guitar in the bridge throughout the song, I think it'd add a whole different, substantial dimension to this song but it seemed like it relied too much on auto-tuned sounds, sadly.


Shine 4/5 - One of the strongest songs on the album, although it's actually weird for me to not hear the remixed version. I think they released it as a single (???) which has done quite well to promote their sound and made them come up in the dance/clubbing scene. I hear some sort of reggae influences? throughout. Reminds me of the beach (Surf dance noir ?  :troll: )


Take Shelter 4.5/5 - I was listening to this before the album came out and I think it's one of my favourite songs I've ever heard as I find it original. I find it really refreshing to listen to and I can relate to the lyrics personally, which is always a plus. Love this song.  :crying:

I also think it's the strongest in every way.

Worship4/5 - Sexy song :bodyisready:  but it gets a bit repetitive after a while. Would be great remixed as a slower song imo. 

Eyes Shut3.5/5 - Sweet song; the lyrics are generally relate-able and the melody is gentle so some people may prefer that. I think it could be released as a single if they are thinking of releasing anymore from this LP.


Ties3/5 - A bit boring and repetitive for me tbh.

King4.5/5 - Perfect summer anthem single, not much to say about this one you'd just have to listen to it and dance.  :dance:  :lolliney:

Desire3.5/5 - It's okay. I don't understand personally how it's been so huge but just a bit standard really. 


Gold3/5 - Just sounds really samey as the rest of the album. Would be nice if they could try and experiment with different sounds, instruments and compositions.  :tsk:


Without - 3/5 - It's alright. Sounds a lot like Eyes Shut but the lyrics are quite sweet too, I guess.  :agree2:

Border3.5 or 4 depends/5 - Bit samey really. Not that exciting for me personally.


Memo3/5 Again, a bit samey and I would have thought they would have chose King or Desire to close the album, just to cement their sound but IDK. 




Overall I give the album 4/5 because I feel for a debut album it's quite impressive and their rise has seemed to be successful; I hope they're around for a while longer enough to release a couple of more LPS at least. I'd love to see them live, too.


Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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