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your complete over-REACT™-ion is ridiculous... They don't like his music let them enjoy what they enjoy they still said RIP in respect so it's really dumb of you to try and get pissed

jack, this has nothing do with you so for once keep yourself out of it. tell me, weren't you the one getting defensive when someone made a harmless joke about you copying other people? don't talk to me about overreactions.

if you're literally disrespecting someone on the day of their fucking death then you're a pathetic + ugly pos and of course i'm going to get pissed about it. it doesn't make you seem ~cool and edgy~, it just makes you a cunt.


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Freedom of speech with all due respect, but if you can't say anything nice or if you couldn't care less about someone's death then it's better to stay away from topics like that.

Don't get why people always have to cause trouble...

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jack, this has nothing do with you so for once keep yourself out of it. tell me, weren't you the one getting defensive when someone made a harmless joke about you copying other people? don't talk to me about overreactions.

if you're literally disrespecting someone on the day of their fucking death then you're a pathetic + ugly pos and of course i'm going to get pissed about it. it doesn't make you seem ~cool and edgy~, it just makes you a cunt.

I don't care if you think I'm copying someone and this person never said they were trying to be cool and edgy they were just expressing that while they didn't have any strong enjoyment of his music they still were wishing him a peaceful rest and you immediately responded with expletives and uncalled for rude remarks it's ridiculous that you think it's ok to respond to a statement as simple as "meh.RIP though" with the complete lack of manners you did... Your mama didn't raise you right


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oh my qoddddddddddddddddddd, y'all
I can't
I can't
Lmao, y'all over react too much, @@bummersummer girl, that was kinda idiotic, that would be like you telling me "hey white, my granda died :/" and me being like "meh. rip tho" just because I don't care about your grandma I'm not going to be like "who cares b, rip tho" I'll just saty "rip" because I don't want you to hate me because of something dumb like that, @Heartcore why would you get in a fight with someone who in your opinion is being a fucker, like, is someone says dumb shit you just ignore them or add this britney gif tumblr_mzvb5lx9aw1rqfhi2o1_250.gif, or make a brilliant reply like Slang did, saying all that dumb shit makes you look crazy and just leaves people like "y aren't u banned??". It was unnecessary.
If you both act childlish where is this going to end? It makes me want to sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Holy shit, I hate people who purposely comment negatively on stuff just because they know they'll get backlash and attention.  :facepalm:



@@Jack sister you are not the best person to like that comment, and your comments on this thread makes me think you are doing this because you want attention #JustAThought



Anyways, congrats you three, for making a thread for a dead pop icon about yourselves. #justmy2cents #ICanStandStupidFights #FightForSocialRightsInstead #:) #Hashtag #HashtagWhore


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I do like attention but calling someone a cunt for the essentially harmless comment they made is borderline bullying and I don't stand by that shit


And btw I didn't know prince was your grandpa I hope the funeral is nice!


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I don't care if you think I'm copying someone and this person never said they were trying to be cool and edgy they were just expressing that while they didn't have any strong enjoyment of his music they still were wishing him a peaceful rest and you immediately responded with expletives and uncalled for rude remarks it's ridiculous that you think it's ok to respond to a statement as simple as "meh.RIP though" with the complete lack of manners you did... Your mama didn't raise you right

@@WhiteHydrangea + @ put it perfectly, show some respect or don't say anything at all. This man was a legend and there was absolutely no need for such a callous comment on the day of his death. "Meh" was hardly a harmless response.


Again, why you feel the need to always get involved I will never understand.


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@@WhiteHydrangea + @ put it perfectly, show some respect or don't say anything at all. This man was a legend and there was absolutely no need for such a callous comment on the day of his death. "Meh" was hardly a harmless response.

Again, why you feel the need to always get involved I will never understand.

I dont "always"get involved.. This is the first time I think I have EVER spoken to you... Also it's not ok to call someone a cunt on the Internet just because they don't like an artist who is dead, and guess what? None of your rude behavior is gonna bring him back!!!

And btw I don't give a fuck about respect for you, you didn't show any to the person you just called a cunt and other rude names you piece of shit


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prince didn't die for u all to be talking like this in his thread


anyway i love him and he is legend and I'm so devastated over this :( 

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I dont "always"get involved.. This is the first time I think I have EVER spoken to you... Also it's not ok to call someone a cunt on the Internet just because they don't like an artist who is dead, and guess what? None of your rude behavior is gonna bring him back!!!

And btw I don't give a fuck about respect for you, you didn't show any to the person you just called a cunt and other rude names you piece of shit

Yes you do, every time there's a slight WHIFF of drama, you come running in all holier-than-thou pretending like it concerns you. (Guess what? It doesn't!) And you've tried to speak to me before, stop pretending. I have plenty of receipts to pull out. Stick to the "music" instead of sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.


It's not the fact it said they didn't like them, it was the callous "meh" that was fucking rude. Disrespecting the dead is inhumane behaviour, through and through. You're just as equally a cunt. Don't @ me.


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Yes you do, every time there's a slight WHIFF of drama, you come running in all holier-than-thou pretending like it concerns you. (Guess what? It doesn't!) And you've tried to speak to me before, stop pretending. I have plenty of receipts to pull out. Stick to the "music" instead of sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.


It's not the fact it said they didn't like them, it was the callous "meh" that was fucking rude. Disrespecting the dead is inhumane behaviour, through and through. You're just as equally a cunt. Don't @ me.

I just @ed you... Cunt


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amazing fact- 

Prince has 56 different songs in  the top 100 on ITunes all day Saturday, 31 in the Top 50.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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