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LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions

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On 3/20/2022 at 4:23 PM, Diamantes said:

we should get different artist site themes uKIDJuc.gif


then it would become music boards and not LANA boards :um:


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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40 minutes ago, West Coast said:

I came here to comment the exact same thing. Or perhaps mandatory review/approval by mods of every new thread application to avoid spam? lol


this is such a good idea, even better than mine. would be happy to see either one be a thing :) or both even

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New threads on masse have not been a problem until recently, but we have noticed certain users creating excessive topics which generate very small discussion or might be percevied as adding little value. We will review and update accordingly. Thanks! 


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Limiting the number of new threads… sounds pedantic to me :hooker:


Anyways, I would love it if we had the option to include polls in our posts. Sometimes we have controversial discussions and it would be interesting to see what the majority thinks, without having to create a new thread.

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this is a forum which generally has very little new threads being created and y’all want to make it so that even less threads get created? :rip: it’s like u want the site to die


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8 hours ago, COCC said:

Limiting the number of new threads… sounds pedantic to me :hooker:


Anyways, I would love it if we had the option to include polls in our posts. Sometimes we have controversial discussions and it would be interesting to see what the majority think, without having to create a new thread.

I would love adding a poll to a status update / post!



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11 hours ago, May said:

this is a forum which generally has very little new threads being created and y’all want to make it so that even less threads get created? :rip: it’s like u want the site to die


i don’t mind the excessive new threads, i like having different things to discuss & talk about, people really just need to learn how to ignore things they don’t like or care for, honestly

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27 minutes ago, lizzyology said:

An option to remove specific, unwanted followers from your account 🥲


please @Elle!!! is there a way to make this happen? I really think everyone here could benefit from being able to choose followers

or at least improve the ignore user option to something that will block posts for both ends

1.jpg  3.jpg  2.jpg 

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Lanaboards Community Support Members


People selected through public polling that can act as a community representative for LB users who need someone to talk to, help with navigating the site, welcoming new users, etc.

god loves you

but not enough

to save you

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2 minutes ago, Maltese Falcon said:

Lanaboards Community Support Members


People selected through public polling that can act as a community representative for LB users who need someone to talk to, help with navigating the site, welcoming new users, etc.


I like this idea!


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12 minutes ago, Maltese Falcon said:

Lanaboards Community Support Members


People selected through public polling that can act as a community representative for LB users who need someone to talk to, help with navigating the site, welcoming new users, etc.


I quite like this too @Elle thoughts?


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37 minutes ago, Maltese Falcon said:

Lanaboards Community Support Members


People selected through public polling that can act as a community representative for LB users who need someone to talk to, help with navigating the site, welcoming new users, etc.

if this becomes real, the color should be yellow :smokes:

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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