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Blue Champagne

Big Brother

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this season's cast is so unlikeable, i literally only like kemi, nicole and kat at this point


not only that, but the whole show the last few seasons has been "i'm getting the least amount of blood on my hands as possible" and no big game moves are made until houseguests have no choice but to put their own alliance members up because they're the only ones left. honestly since bb16 with derrick, houseguests don't seem to want to get strong players out, they only get out people who aren't in their alliance and/or floaters. i miss the days when you could be cool with someone even if they weren't in your alliance...and the bigoted houseguests is just the icing on the cake  :smh:

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Every summer I get sucked into this show and every summer it drives me crazy and I keep watching anyway. It's boring to see a big alliance steamroll everyone but at this point it's interesting to see the couples considering voting the other couples out even though they're still in an alliance. But goddamn do I want to punch Jackson/ Mickey/ whatever the fuck his name is, right in his dopey ass face. He's such a spoiled manbaby, apparently he was cheating and eating more than slop while being a HaveNot, but producers were letting him because he's gone off his 5-Xanax-a-day cold turkey? Idk.


And yeah, I hate the whole concept of "voting with the house," "being afraid to rock the boat" like it's Big fucking Brother!

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This has been the 3rd season in a row where I just stopped watching after a while. There's no reason left for me to continue watching. None of the remaining houseguests are likeable at all, except for Nicole, but she doesn't really make good tv so it's just boring and frustrating to watch. 


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This has been the 3rd season in a row where I just stopped watching after a while. There's no reason left for me to continue watching. None of the remaining houseguests are likeable at all, except for Nicole, but she doesn't really make good tv so it's just boring and frustrating to watch. 


Yeah, it's basically showmances and floaters at this point. And I like Nicole too but she's boring and those fucking 90s chokers she wears make me rage

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"Sempre irmãos, sempre unidos, sempre Brasil. Me chama!" And just like that, a legend was born. :legend:



PS: Literally my only connection to BB, Ines and also Trisha. :toofunny: 


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Jack better be going home tomorrow. Michie is a horrible human being as well, but I think i can handle having him in the house. Jack is a devil


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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Watching this show used to be so fun but now it's just the same predictable, "play it safe" gameplay. I guess I'm rooting for Cliff since he's one of the few likeable ones this year lol




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