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Kim Petras

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What's the best way to know Kim's work? I tried to listen to some of her songs when everyone was talking of her debut but found them quite boring, but she's so beautiful and her aesthetic is so nice that I would like to enjoy her songs.

Hillside Boys, Heart to Break, I Don't Want It At All, Close Your Eyes, Turn off The Light, Sweet Spot & All The Time are her best songs

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What's the best way to know Kim's work? I tried to listen to some of her songs when everyone was talking of her debut but found them quite boring, but she's so beautiful and her aesthetic is so nice that I would like to enjoy her songs.

This is the song that got me hooked on her. I still believe it's in her top 3 best songs even though she has countless pop perfection masterpieces in her discography.


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What's the best way to know Kim's work? I tried to listen to some of her songs when everyone was talking of her debut but found them quite boring, but she's so beautiful and her aesthetic is so nice that I would like to enjoy her songs.

it was the same for me, i was looking for new music and since i saw her name pop up here all the time, so i googled her, and the first two songs that came up were heart to break and i don't want it at all, which i found really boring (and still do). then one day youtube recommended broken and it got stuck in my head, and i really liked everything she released after that, and i by the time summer was gone i'd become a stan.


i'd recommend all the time, can't do better, do me, blow it all and death by sex. these are my personal favorites and really easy to get into imo  :)

I never meant to be bad or unwell I was just living on the edge right between heaven and hell & I'm tired of it 

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I feel like Malibu should've had like an intro or a diff verse at the start that didn't immediately go into the chorus and then back into pretty much the same verse, it sounds kinda awkward. Still a bop tho.


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I've been waiting for her to go back to bubblegum pop like she completely lost me w all that trap trash so I like it, it's very high energy 


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So, is she singing about the place or the drink?

It's about the drink. The guy she likes drinks the cocktail named Malibu Sunset and when they kiss she feels that taste on him. The song is about very strongly liking a guy and missing him when he is not around. Whenever she drinks that drink it reminds her of him because it is what he always used to drink.


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