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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. The song has more to do with her being a waitress than it does her being queen of New York.
  2. If you listen at the transition between the first and second time she says "ice," it's very obvious that there's no "t" syllable anywhere. Also, if you think about it, it makes more sense for her to be saying "ice," because during the chorus, she's talking about making [your] cola colder. You need ice to do that. My logic prevails.
  3. Does anyone else hear what I'm talking about?...
  4. if that happens you can upload them to ge.tt :3
  5. Yes!! and the Animal instrumentals
  6. ajhfjsfkhg must correct people Lights, lights Ice, ice Buy me Coca Cola in the middle of the night
  7. hey so where is that huge folder with all the ke$ha stuff
  8. This has got to be one of my favorite Lana songs. Also, I'm getting really tired of people alluding to having songs before they leaked. All it does is make you look like an asshole. Stop.
  9. i know what is said in the live version. but that's not what they say in the studio version.
  10. I didn't mean it as snarky as it came across, lol sorry. I don't mean pity sorry, I mean just general sadness for people that feel like they don't have time for music if it's past a certain length. That sucks because music is really amazing and a good song shouldn't be measured for its worth in the length of itself. I don't know if that made sense, I'm really hungry. wait what does this mean
  11. It sucks, plain and simple. If the length of a song keeps you from listening to it and enjoying it for what it is, I feel sorry for you.
  12. Beyonce is a lot lighter than she used to be too. How do they get like that?
  13. What happened about the song?
  14. Oh right, I forgot Fun cowrote that with her. No wonder I hate it so much. http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_mew65k42791r5umu6o1.mp3 I hate how artists always make a lot of songs for an album and let the ones that don't make the final cut just sit there. I want B-Sides!! Another album! A fucking double album! Ugh. What a waste. Who decides which songs do and don't make the final?
  15. Yayo has lost? You're all horrible excuses for stans, smfh. Kill Kill 33 Queen of the Gas Station 5 For K Part 2 34 Mermaid Motel 22
  16. It is better than the original. Don't be afraid to preach the truth, baby! Seriously though it was like the first movie I remember really loving.
  17. I actually couldn't remember the right term, so I used a bunch of different words ha. I was hoping you'd come in here and shed some light on it though!
  18. Hundred Dollar Bill


    I love Fuck U Silly. It's been stuck my head for days. I haven't given the mixtapes my complete and utter attention yet, but I shall soon and I wanna discuss them with you! I love how hard you stan for Cassie tbh, reminds me of myself with Aural Vampire... too bad I don't have anyone to stan for them with.
  19. We've all got our favorite unreleased Lana songs, but I've noticed that not many people talk about wanting her to rework them. It's been on my mind more a lot lately since she redid Yayo, and I kind of subconsciously expect her to do more because my favorite band has been releasing a few remastered versions of old demos with their new official releases over the past few years. Lana has also talked about wanting to rework Kill Kill and Mermaid Motel because they're her favorite songs (most personal?) from AKA and she didn't like the way the production turned out. So why haven't we made a thread for this already?!? Let's discuss it guys! What songs would you like to hear remastered the most (don't say all of them ) and why? Personally, I'd love to hear You're Gonna Love Me and Mermaid Motel remastered. I also want to hear the BTD version of Hundred Dollar Bill if it exists, since it was on the original tracklist.
  20. Blackout 2.0 is going to slay and everyone will deal. Album of the year 2013 tbh.
  21. Yay, I'm glad you love it! It is the acoustic demo!
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