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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. Yes, I am evil. Bow to me, peasants.
  2. Basically this. I actually know who is responsible for the lanafucked2pac tumblr, they're just doing it for fun. I don't know why people are associating it with the other tumblrs that are actually claiming to know things and have things we don't.
  3. They probably didn't even have both versions of Making Out either, seeing as they didn't leak them.
  4. Well since they'll deny it why not post who you think they are? Everyone has their theories apparently lol. So much suspicion though.. this community can be so dramatic sometimes.
  5. LMFAO GUYS, it's not Sitar. Seriously.
  6. Honestly, I don't agree with any of your pairings except for Blue Velvet & BTD...
  7. I know, ha. That's why I :creep:
  8. It's definitely "hit & run the world." How does "hit & run away" make any sense in the context of the rest of the song??? It doesn't.
  9. The next time you have a request to make, do it in the proper thread.
  10. I'll be merging them when I get back on a computer. I honestly wish I didn't post mine since everyone followed suit, I feel that the only funny one after it was PrettyBaby's parody of Ride. Sorry everyone.
  11. It's just the choice of word that bothers people, really. It seems really pretentious and cliqueish.
  12. Also, I think the dislike button will spawn a lot of wasteful "i'm sorry" comments from people that didn't mean to click it, since you can't undo your dislike. If people don't apologize either, it may make unrealistic rivalries between members. No one likes this feature, why was it added? It needs to go.
  13. iloveguineapigs will be very happy about this thread. I love Mother Stands for Comfort, that's my favorite Kate Bush song.
  14. I was endorsing your opinion because I agree with it! I am criticizing the feature as well.
  15. Oh hunny, if it were you I was talking about, I'd be shading you so hard right now. :creep: Actually, I probably would pay you no mind at all. I try really hard to ignore people that irritate me, so this dislike button is going to be like a Christmas dessert tempting me to dive in. It was definitely an endorsement. I also see that you liked my other post, yet I wasn't notified. Sigh. :creep:
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