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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. I didn’t even know she dated Shia Labeouf.. like, Rob?? Shia??? her taste in men is questionable. I hope her next relationship is a good one.
  2. looking back, it’s a pretty basic & boring video... Charli really said fuck the ozone layer blowing up the car for no reason the only good video from Charli era is Gone tbh
  3. Did anyone ever fix the cutoff in WGFU?
  4. Watch the Rain, Supermodels & Holiday Stunners, Machines, Live Life... and let’s not forget the absolute BANGER that is Franchesckaar! Y’all can sleep on 14 if you want but the real fans with taste recognize the artistic XCXCELLENCE Miss Charlotte delivered at age 14...
  5. it was a song reference
  6. Hundred Dollar Bill

    Nadia Oh

    Omg Colours was such an iconic album. Slapper goes hard too... I need her to make a comeback album with space cowboy
  7. can you please not be rude & start drama for no visible reason? get a hobby
  8. yes, yes you can! I don’t know why this has to be explained to y’all but there are teenagers on this site - DO NOT POST PORNOGRAPHIC CONTENT
  9. What is hard to understand is why you’re trashing on other artists for literally no reason in the Azealia Banks thread. Did it make you feel edgy and cool to say Britney is untalented just because you don’t like her music? Nobody agrees with you. You’re embarrassing yourself. anyway yeah it’s disappointing to yet again see Banks being a messy hateful clown, but y’all give her too much attention for this shit & it’s why she keeps saying it - for the attention she knows it will generate
  10. Claws is like the perfect top... just hits the spot every time
  11. it gets better with each listen.. truly a timeless pop masterpiece
  12. anywayz I got it demo further proves what a masterpiece that song is.... the audience would like HQ files so it is actually enjoyable to hear
  13. we demand HQ leaks! this LQ shit will not stand
  14. XCXMAS is in august lol anyways would still be nice to get some 2018 tracks
  15. We need Charli sweatpants & tank tops & more crop tops!!!
  16. Pop 2 merch is cute but too xcxpensive considering I JUST got stuff on her store for Black Friday.. a shame I have to miss out but she’s not getting more than $100 from me this holiday season.
  17. From the final seconds of Lipgloss to the opening synths + bass of Dreamer.... my jaw is on the floor. Excellence I’ve never heard ANYTHING LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!
  18. Matches is kinda trash honestly... don’t know what they were trying to accomplish there. Swimming in the Stars is cute.
  19. Just Desserts is incredible... where is y’all’s taste? a collab I would like to see... Marina + Shakira
  20. So pitchfork included HIFN in their top 50 albums of 2020.... but it’s number 48 I mean they’ve always been trash but whatever
  21. Omg Charli’s latest insta post... she looks JUST like her mom I’m
  22. While I agree that it was probably for the best that XCX World was scrapped, let’s not act like “her career would be over” had it been released.. it’s possible that the potential commercial flop could have slowed down her career / cult success, but let’s not forget how quickly Charli has always bounced back from any point in her career; always moving forward. She would have become a cult icon either way.
  23. Rhode video is IMMACULATE she’s a living legend & goddess
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