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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. I cried during this trailer & i’ve preordered I’m so excited wowwwww guess I’m not a mod ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
  2. Cross You Out is so powerful to me, it really came at the perfect time in my life. I’ve had to cut so many close friends out of my life over the past few years. People i’d known & been BEST friends with for 5+ , 10+ years and it’s really fucking hard not having that kind of relationship anymore. When you’ve got somebody to talk to every day, that cares about how you’re doing and calls you on the phone & stuff. It’s hard getting through the day now, barely having anyone to talk with on a regular basis. Idk I’m really emotional today. Cross You Out is repetitive but it’s such an anthem for me because of that. It’s taken a long time since actually cutting those people off, but now I’m alone and I can emotionally separate myself from those people entirely. It’s incredible how Charli just understands that very specific feeling & is able to capture it in a song so beautifully. I’ll always love her for that.
  3. at first I was laughing because this is so funny but then I started crying because those short bursts of Come to My Party in HQ were so beautiful
  4. one page of pointless personal drama is enough stop anyway I’m completely obsessed with Cross You Out, it’s easily my favorite thus far!
  5. I didn’t think Miss U was all that special until I found myself humming it at work today.. out of nowhere it popped into my head & it’s just so cute + catchy!!!!!
  6. omg can we please have the final Pop the Balloons since the gays were generous enough to leak the WAV demo
  7. Charli was so cute on that Australian tv show interview.
  8. I will never understand how that pile of trash made it onto the album when she didn’t even like it & tried to sell it to One Direction
  9. Nowhere because it’s bad lol
  10. I’m thinking White Mercedes or Warm cuz she mentioned wanting to maybe release that next on IG as well!!
  11. She said on IG she’s thinking about releasing another song in 7-10 days also leak Come to My Party HQ so I can die happy
  12. Champion is so cute & sad. Party Party is alright. I see why it was scrapped.
  13. 3 extremely valid & important points!!! It’s really ugly how some of y’all hide behind “it’s just an opinion” for your unnecessary & exaggerated criticisms of how the newest single isn’t the best thing you’ve ever heard, because of the vocal mixing or the feature?? The dumbest shit! Charli is a beautiful, generous angel & a lot of the “fans” act like total demons. Get it together or just stop listening to her music & contributing to discussion if the only things you’ve got to say are negative. It’s so depressing to see remarks from “fans” sending Charli down an emotional spiral & making her cry.
  14. This fanbase is so MESSY & ungrateful
  15. 2004??! We wouldn’t have gotten Circus OR BLACKOUT!!!
  16. I’m not the one taking it that seriously lmaooo just don’t pitifully beg for leaks of soon-to-be-released material every other post it’s that simple okay thanks bye!
  17. y’all are so stupid but carry on I guess
  18. Self-love isn’t narcissism sis! Learn the difference. I don’t see a problem with Charli being proud of her work & living for the collabs she’s put together. Especially since she used to be so critical & negative regarding her past work.
  19. yes I’m aware I think there’s a difference in wanting to hear a song coming in a few hours that’s available in another country already VS. wanting an album to leak weeks in advance. Maybe that’s just me though? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also Elle hates Kim so it’s totally fair
  20. I’m not hurt, I’m a mod attempting to enforce the RULES that exist on this forum for a REASON. Like does anybody actually understand that the first forum was shut down because of leaks & links???? Apparently not.
  21. Why do y’all have to beg for leaks to official material that is coming soon, it’s pathetic.
  22. She better take advantage of this promo with Charli & release something of her own soon!
  23. Charlene is one of her BEST songs EVER made don’t @ me
  24. y’all are so dumb! 2019 the year of Charli ♥️
  25. I just want less Arca on the next album. There’s tons of other talented producers she could work with. I don’t think Arca adds anything special to her music since Vulnicura. I want better melodies and less ambience.
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