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Everything posted by 99centlips

  1. She was doing WTWAW a few mins ago. Now Lust for Life
  2. Reports saying she stopped singing and got emotional on stage, possibly about Orlando situation.
  3. classy https://instagram.com/p/Be1sW23hST9/ Walking up the stage
  4. Wearing a dress once again https://instagram.com/p/Be1qbMnB2-r/
  5. Previous court records dating back to 1990 http://pubrec10.hillsclerk.com/Unsecured/Search.aspx?ID=600 Oops I don’t think I can link the search. Just fill out “Michael Shawn Hunt” in the boxes and you can see everything.
  6. Court records https://myeclerk.myorangeclerk.com/CaseDetails?caseId=10453433&caseIdEnc=zrnTpaAJf5CCt%2FDxMl321Ya5zugLh3Nu3GTWBMaH%2B%2B87bghty%2BGoOL0wJtZF4XYS0GSfLAuxAWva2YQ6b8brGJ91kpwbWnMe3aK5cu2Fzqc%3D Official complaint, they spelled it “Ray” https://myeclerk.myorangeclerk.com/DocView/Doc?request=59109681&eCode=8YgKbi0lbSDDtsgwTLrTLeDVWwhZapwwgZBPaeR3bX1ckDAzAoUeQaLXL0T2fWxSQwfIbLaICuuLt29BblFrafbsK0EIwfxP6S9hWtZJysg%3D The cops didn’t know until Feb 2 so she was not informed until the day of the show.
  7. It was exciting while it lasted!
  8. Me too!! and I annoyed a few of my friends and my sister to enter it every day for 2 weeks lmao. So all of us probably had 15-20 entries. I was trying to send it out to the universe that I was going to win this.. Oh well
  9. I told the account to screen record the message since all iPhones can do it now
  10. And it had 7 followers and now it has 0.... Wtf did someone just open a philosophy book and pic a random word? Someone ask Lana
  11. She gave a hint saying neohumanism is the key of the title. But she’s probably in the beginning stages, everything will change before we even get it. I’m not really that worried unlessss this is about the EP
  12. Yeah it’s mostly about social equality, rationality and overall a movement towards a universal society, which now that I think about..she’s kinda talking about it Cochella.
  13. I don’t think the instagrams is hers but I believe her message is real
  14. I don’t think it’s fake cause she was clearly very active on Instagram today. Although neohumanism isn’t quite political, it’s a philosophical construct. I’m not sure how she’s write songs about it.. But I also am worried if this is about the rumored EP or a full length album. I’m really looking forward to the EP so I hope it comes out.
  15. I don’t think she’d tell us the whole title but maybe something along those lines...this doesn’t seem like the rumored EP though so that worries me we’re not getting it
  16. Is this your account? https://instagram.com/p/Be0wEwFlTAb/ That’s pretty cool I’m glad we got something hmm
  17. Not publicly I’ve won something from UO before they just email you
  19. Ugh yes she’s barely even signing Cherry anymore and she really seems to enjoy performing that one. Not to mention other artists usually do shows back to back and she has a day or two in between shows so her voice should be fine. Watching the videos suck but seeing it live I don’t really notice it as much. I guess we know we stan
  20. God I really don’t know why but I’m probably the only person who doesn’t like Kendrick. I haven’t heard enough but it seems like he’s always using the same tempo to rap idk. I like the new song tho! Abel really never disappoints
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