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Everything posted by 99centlips

  1. I’m gonna try to find out who it was It’s bold as fuck but she’s an angel and did it anyway We do not deserve her
  2. I can’t believe someone asked her to sign it. It’s a bootleg copy she’s never getting paid or recognition off it. I mean I guess she did try to wipe it from the internet. Idk I would feel so weird asking her to sign it.
  3. Sorry posted before your edit! They do look alike though very glamorous (and dangerous)
  4. Her maternal grandmother’s name is Madeline Hill. She is not related to Beatrice Dautresme..fake news from Twitter/Tumblr a while ago.
  5. She wore similar clips in the SOC video and she looked fierce. Idk what it is about these ones she does look really young.
  6. Oh if anyone needs digital copies of LFL I have three copies I never downloaded
  7. I think it makes her look more youthful. Plus the bitch never took care of her extensions, a ratty mess always lmao. I prefer her Ultraviolence midlength hair.
  8. Y’all did this to us talking shit about her dresses for years
  9. Okay which one of y’all did this!! The fucking hoodie as pants!
  10. The stan in the background with her Lana case is me
  11. I’m going to San Diego!! Do you have Silver? Oops just saw that you do. PM me
  12. Sometimes you're the line jumper and sometimes you're the line jumpee..it happens at every concert it's just kinda of the luck of the draw. But after you get barricade it's really addictive and now I have to be barricade for every show even if i'm a casual fan because the view and being able to breathe part
  13. People can be snakes..but I'd probably take the opportunity to cut the line without getting caught if i could
  14. yeah! it's the only way to GUARANTEE your spot. Yeah you could get lucky showing up later, there's just so many variables I personally don't like to do that. Plus being in line is fun for me, everyone just hangs out and talks about music and Lana. Especially if the weather is right just be friendly to everyone around you and you'll have a good time!
  15. really depends on the city/weather and on how crazy the fans are/how many VIP tickets sold. i live in CA so all the Lana shows here people start lining up the night BEFORE the concert, so I'm used to showing up super early
  16. @reputation silver vip is general admission only. gold & bronze vip are seated seats only. and yes both silver and gold get to go in first, but if you want CENTER barricade you're gonna have to be first of the first, ya know? if you just want general barricade then i think you can show up hours before the show with silver vip and be able to get barricade but depending on the city..like in California I doubt you'd be able to get barricade as easily. But from what I read places like Detroit and Minneapolis it was pretty easy to get barricade.
  17. We are always so worried, but she mostly delivers every time! I would just like to know whether this EP is going to have new or unreleased or demos on it. And yeah she's always unpredictable
  18. If it's your first concert I would advise against GA because it can get be really exhausting and pretty crazy in the crowd, unless you're in the first two rows, which you can't get unless you queue for 12 hours. and it's seriously exhausting. If you are willing to queue for a long time then do GA but be well prepared with snacks, waters, blankets, portable chargers etc.
  19. depends on the location i feel like, but generally yeah you'll still need to get there early in the am for barricade even if you have silver gip. are you traveling to the location, do you already live there? there's a lot of variables but you should arrive no later than 4-5am for barricade
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