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About addictedsober

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  1. Does anyone have or know anyone that has a spare ticket? I can pay with an unleaked song 😈😈😈🙏
  2. dont know if its ok to bump this, but the promo pic resembles A LOT to this photoshoot i think it may have been taken during this session maybe the whole shoot was used for this album
  3. so, she skipped Blue Velvet, American, Without You so far
  4. im seriuosly excited for this... as i've never thought she would come to argentina last night when i found out, i couldnt sleep i hope its not a long festival that she has to sing like 5 songs :/
  5. i thought of it as well but then again, i suspect both of those tumblrs are run by the same ppl hoping hoarders start to leak their shit if they see someone else is doing it, just so they can get credit first
  6. the ss instrumental clip sounds fake too (?)
  7. highinthemind just posted the amercan instrumental CLIP that was posted on soundcloud like a month ago lol
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