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Everything posted by bunoner

  1. A lanaboards discord was created a few days ago! https://discord.gg/XcHBWnp
  2. It's entirely different to call someone ugly who will probably never see it on an online forum, than it is to literally @ a person on a forum and say the same directly to them... This argument has been had before when the White Mustang video came out and it turned out TERRIBLY
  3. Guys the snippets HAVE to be somewhere online start looking
  4. Holy hell you seriously waste no time on this thread still being rude and annoying
  5. I visualized that and suddenly it’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day
  6. this is coming from the far and dark depths of delusion but what if a song was released in new zealand...
  7. The fact that we have 2 minutes of cinnamon girl and I thought there wasn't gonna be much more to it and turns out it's 5 minutes long
  8. I really took out all of money from my card cause I was going on vacation I really lost
  9. Can you come up with something else? For real we get it you don’t like it
  10. I cannot wait for the Lisa fucking Rockwell of this era
  11. Do you guys think a song or the double mv will drop tomorrow with the preorder?
  12. Where’s that dumbass calling us deluded because we said it was coming in August and he kept insisting on a September release
  13. a moth just landed on the window right next to me is this a sign that NFR is coming?
  14. Anghami, there's nothing there however I just checked
  15. Come discuss this new Instagram post with us on the all new and revolutionary Lanaboards discord server by clicking the link below! https://discord.gg/34xbWXK (This ain’t official no lanaboards staff were asked hehe)
  16. Someone saw on some website that there were 3 versions of an upcoming Lana Del Rey album, a standard priced one, a deluxe priced one and a more expensive vinyl priced one but I don’t remember who or what website it was but it’s somewhere in the thread
  17. We already know there’s a deluxe edition of the album so doin time is definitely in there
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