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About Florida-Native

  • Rank
    The Voodoo Mississippi South
  • Birthday 08/02/1998

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Valley of The Dolls

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  1. The best way for Lana to start out 2013
  2. There is truly no one like her. Video Games was so captivating that I was hooked instantly. She is so sweet to fans and truly makes an effort to get to know them and talk to them. She is also so down to earth, like even though she is famous she stills acts like a normal person instead of some spoiled celebrity. The mystery of her life also captivates because it's like doing a puzzle with no clear image and you can choose which pieces you accept and which pieces you think are rumor. I could keep writing, but I don't want to spend my entire New Years writing an essay on how much I love her and she was my first musical obsession.
  3. Florida-Native

    Song vs. Song

    Jimmy Gnecco Jimmy Gnecco or Jump(demo)
  4. I'm just so happy she is nominated, I am completely surprised.
  5. It's not really Mary whose evil it's the demon possessing her but she scares me more than any other character especially when she murdered that Hispanic woman. I love Jude, I think she and Lana should team up
  6. Moira returned! I love her character and want to see how she, Lana and Jude will work together. I can't wait for next week episode it looks amazing
  7. Accidently vomit Would you rather have no hands or have no feet for your entire life?
  8. I will support Lana doubt she will win but who knows
  9. It is also amazing she sold so many albums in the US. Seeing how she hasn't had any major charting singles. How many other people on the Top 10 can say they got famous off of Internet hype.
  10. "Her free downloadable album God Bless America"............
  11. Raise Me Up, Lana has never made a song quite like it. Though close runner ups are Jump, Kill Kill, Pawn Shop Blues and Queen of the Gas station. Flawless album though
  12. Watch we hear songs about there messy relationships a year or two later
  13. And they choose the parts that when they are played individually make her seem crazy
  14. Her extreme overuse of words ending in -ally visually, sonically etc.
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