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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. Yeah that was like the most iconic thing she has done since the BTD vids lol
  2. Her videos are always ok ( after BTD excepting UV) but they lack the iconic aspect? that she had before.
  3. She's taking time just out of stupidity lol this video is ready since forever
  4. this bitch, its probably coming next week or the next one
  5. I feel like it wont have Lana singing the lyrics tbh if it was shoot in 2014 for UV LOL
  6. ywah i think it is! Because she sang it on another show
  7. I hope this is coming in between this week and the next one.
  8. same, it will give the song and video a lil exposure
  9. I feel like it will be that footage lmao
  10. She's gonna make us wait the whole day.
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