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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    New music? from AB? NEVAH
  2. but Lana doesnt have to deal with her thing, thats on herself and her family, im sorry. Like i understand her grief, but she's not only having troubles with that, she has an unhealthy obsession with an artists too.
  3. When they write about 24 "theres only 24 hours in a day" and then they are like: as if we didnt know ... But im like bitch the lyrics dont stop there, dumb ass bitch.
  4. tmz is always right lol Not Lana's fault, she should get help, but like no she aint the victim here
  5. naachoboy

    Kali Uchis

    yasss! Just in time forbher new era
  6. it wont if Lana doesnt get her shit together and doesnt release a good video lmao
  7. Those fans... Put them in jail or on a psychitric institution (or send them back to russia)
  8. well yeah thats cute but its not like her tours are such a surprise to anyone, plus she never sings every song from her albums, she keeps rehashing
  9. its not like she's coming back to Latinamerica lol
  10. I feel like she needs to just put out some music videos and forget about this album, if she wants. (and it seems like it too)
  11. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    I hope she commits to her shit and records a lot and finish her projects because i sense this girl is like those people who start a lot of shit at the same time and has a lot of ideas but never really conclude them lol
  12. why are 5 missing tho edit: oh mess i think you put the others as Demos right?
  13. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    your optimism x.x
  14. 1 2 3 4 Climb This Fence 5 6 Chocolate Sprinkles 7 Champagne 8 No Means No 9 10 Tristeza 11 12 13 Camisa Favorita 14 Space Jams Again (i think cause it talks about the moon and starts and shit) 15 Don't Tell Me
  15. Yas do u put some names already?
  16. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    yeah i know i meant like now lol
  17. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    She's probably working on her new album since her brother posted this https://www.instagram.com/p/_2pPctBKUR/?taken-by=lollipopjenkins
  18. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    the life of a kuntbrigade member ...
  19. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    March (allegedly), i was told that a trailer was coming in February but we will see.
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