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Be Free

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Everything posted by Be Free

  1. Who's Zanella and why she has my private pictures, gonna put her in jail
  2. I find this kinda odd, like why would Lana give things to him and trust him knowing how many things he leaked (I'm not hating on you Hakan, I'm just being reasonable)
  3. If you look down you will see a song that he "co-wrote" with Bruce Springsteen called "Blinded" if you search in google Blinded you'll see a song called Blinded By The Light and Greg doesn't appear in any credits, also Bruce isn't showed as performer in ASCAP, I don't know but I think "Wild Side" is fake
  4. https://mobile.ascap.com/aceclient/AceWeb/#ace/writer/801627073/BANKS%20GREG%20J all the titles seem so...fake
  5. I found that title one week ago and I didn't thought it was important because I searched a few titles that he wrote that weren't released and I thought "Wild Side" could be fake but I could be wrong.
  6. I still don't know why the title says "possibly Subversive"
  7. http://instagram.fsst1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.2886-16/14899398_575511032658970_5643248136844476416_n.mp4
  8. If it was confirmed that the album is going to be released in November
  9. The guy from the radio replied: "Can't really say,but that's what I heard from a friend in "the biz". I'm excited!!!!!"
  10. The hacker said that November was the releasing of the album of Lady Gaga, not LDR I think I have a screenshot, if I do I'll post it later
  11. I think she looks good!But I noticed her lips were way too big in the photo she uploaded to prove she didn't cut her hair
  12. Naomi and Mathieu Cesar, I never liked Neil work that much, he crops a lot of pictures and that's annoying for me.
  13. @@DrunkBeautyQueen angiescreams.com/archive and press contact
  14. He is calling Bruce 'The Boss' and I also found that when Lana says in Greenwich 'are you at the archive watching television?' she is referring to Arthur again because he lived in 666 Greenwich Street that is also The Archive
  15. The video was supposed to be a secret...the actors can be sued if they say something like the song and other stuff,i deleted the videos because they weren't important
  16. She wasn't at the beach that day,i'm not sure about other places or other days
  17. First they were at one place and some of them were using crazy hairstyles,some of the clothes are like this (example) red shirt,red jacket,etc.later they moved to the beach and waited for the sunset to start with the skateboards,Lana wasn't there.
  18. I'm sure that the director isn't Anthony Mandler, check his last post on Instagram.com/amandler
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