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About xcx

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    Angels Forever, Forever Angels

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  1. xcx

    Charli XCX

    Where is the used to know me video?
  2. xcx

    Sky Ferreira

    This… Like even if people think it’s Sky’s fault - which, whatever - I don’t understand the way some of you guys are acting. It’s one thing to be frustrated with her, but it’s another to hope that she gets bullied and harassed on social media.. It is really giving entitlement. Hoping that people leak things she worked hard on and clearly had plans for is just so weird to me. We also know nothing at the end of the day so I really don’t understand the behavior of some people in this thread. Did she lie? Countless times. I get being frustrated, but some of you speak about her with such vitriol and this thread has turned into a weird circle jerk of hating her.
  3. xcx

    Charli XCX

    Where is your pfp from
  4. xcx

    Charli XCX

    Okay faith in humanity restored
  5. xcx

    Charli XCX

    Sorry but I have to lock the thread after this one
  6. xcx

    Charli XCX

    P4U is one of my all time faves! I like all the songs on the album, but I really think I Finally Understand could’ve been switched with I Hate All This Gravity.
  7. xcx

    Charli XCX

    Another song of hers that I think is overrated Visions is one of my least favorites on HIFN honestly
  8. xcx

    Charli XCX

    Another unpopular opinion: Grins is overrated. I love it, but it’s not even top 5 on True Romance. The highlights of the song are Charli belting “no-o no-o no-o-o-o” at the end and her aggression in the “beaches and oceans” part and those are both only in the live version. The live version eats the album version up. My top 5 (in no particular order) would be: • Black Roses • What I Like • Set Me Free • You’re the One • You (Ha Ha Ha)/So Far Away
  9. xcx

    Charli XCX

    How are some of you trying to pass off not liking self-titled as an unpopular opinion when every few days we have pages and pages of people trashing it… The TRUE unpopular opinion is that Next Level Charli, Gone, Cross You Out, and Click is one of the strongest back to back runs on a Charli album. Yes I like 1999 but it disrupts the flow of these 4 iconic songs.
  10. xcx

    Charli XCX

    I’m okay with 1999 and boom clap being played, but I really really really do not like Boys. Like easily her worst released song if you ask me 1999 is a bop But overall the setlist is good and she killed that show
  11. xcx

    Charli XCX

    Imagine if Waterfall was released
  12. xcx

    Charli XCX

    Lmao when it turns out she’s asking so she can sue everyone who responds with links
  13. xcx

    Charli XCX

    New merch! Got the XCX photo frame off white shirt
  14. xcx

    Charli XCX

    I’M SO PROUD OF HER OMG!! Hopefully all the new fans actually stick around.. Also this omg she owns the UK!
  15. xcx

    Charli XCX

    If the 4 deluxe tracks were on their own album with more songs it probably would’ve been my fave Charli album
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