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  1. Uranis liked a post in a topic by evilentity in ALLIE X   
    Sick of this shit. Locking.
  2. Uranis liked a post in a topic by luckyonewithoutyou in ALLIE X   
    I think all users who create an account for the sole purpose of commenting in this thread and keeping it off topic should be automatically banned.
  3. Uranis liked a post in a topic by AKA Lizzy Grant in ALLIE X   
  4. Uranis liked a post in a topic by ChickenGurl218 in ALLIE X   
    btw i'm leaking this exclusive album cover from collection 15: the stolen identitty
    my favorite song is dorthy (i gave up on the willie reduX) (feautring tommi ecks)
  5. Uranis liked a post in a topic by drewby in ALLIE X   
    the cum 2 Brazil curse!
  6. Uranis liked a post in a topic by Bekim in ALLIE X   
    Is it ever gonna stop 
  7. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    Actually she did read this thread not only did all of LB witness your psychopathy but also Allie. I'm glad she knows the truth now since you sent them faked screenshots. Gotta hand it to you, you're good at lying. But it just so happens that the truth is stronger. Do not quote me ever again, tweet about me, post photos of me, follow any of my friends on social media, or my family. You have one chance to delete all photos/recordings of me, my family, and my friends. Failure to do so will result in the police contacting your parents. I have all the proof I need thanks to a particular someone, she sent me everything you sent her with screenshots of you sending them. You're over, just stop. It will only get worse for you. You are disgusting...
  8. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    Yes because people definitely don't lie!
    I impersonated her and asked producers to send old music. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less. Almost everything has leaked, what more do you want from me? Why are you still using this to support your invalid point? What started this all today was when the waste of space attacked someone trying to 'expose' me or something when I never said anything to him? He needs serious help. That's all. It's just really sad that people are really trying to ruin my life because they're jealous of me.
    Oh kool! Allie is reading this thread.
  9. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    You are stupid lol, you used the impersonations I did as some defense against me when that has nothing to do with him harassing and threatening my family, friends? If you don't get that then leave. It's not that hard to understand if you read my posts clearly.
  10. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    Me giving you shallow insults is NOTHING compared to what you've done. The second you crossed my personal life and started contacting my friends and parents was the second I never took your shit anymore. Go cry to your parents about me saying what they already know considering you told me they hated you? fuck off, you're nothing, never will be anything. You're so sad lol, while I continue to stay on good terms with my fave and her manager as well as have a successful site run by friends I love, you can stay mad and keep trying to intervene with my life. You're not wanted anymore. Bye bye xoxo
  11. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    Youre such an embarrassment to your family. Now I understand why your parents hate you. The truth is that you're jealous of me, I'm smarter, I have friends, I have people that love me; things you don't have. The police is going to get involved. Everything you've said here including the part you tried to delete has been saved and you will regret ever crossing my personal life. Fuck you, disgusting waste of space.
  12. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    Everything you're saying and all the screenshots you spread of my friends are being gathered. Your parents are going to be contacted and my family will file a charge against you for this harassment. You are the most disgusting human alive, you don't deserve life. Said it before: leave me and my friends alone, just because you're jealous that you have no friends and your life is shit does not mean you can do this to me. You think you'll win. That's very funny. Enjoy your sad pathetic life.
  13. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    No one is listening, I blocked him everywhere after confronting him but he harassed me - text, twitter, forums. He kept trying to talk to me.. Then after I ratted on him for not stopping impersonating her manager, he made a dupe Twitter and kept tweeting me how he was "sorry" and that he didn't actually hate the Allie forum I gave to my friend. What an actual living joke  
    The receipts:
  14. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    Where are the lies? He's like the perez hilton of the Allie fan base
  15. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    Lol, does posting my name make you feel powerful? You're an obese worthless nothing sitting behind a screen lying to a Lana Del Rey forum
    Sorry y'all have to deal with this now, he just doesn't stop and it's really sad.
  16. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    I have all the proof I need. My parents are in touch with Allie and her manager, they know the truth. You realize this is a Lana Del Rey forum? You're worth absolutely no one's time. You can say what you want on here, but in the end the people that matter know the truth. Please leave me, my family, and my friends alone. You're worse than Ahmad.
  17. FlowerFantasea liked a post in a topic by Uranis in ALLIE X   
    Sorry that y'all have to deal with that sad excuse of a human.
    Some facts LB should know:
    -He impersonated Allie's manager 1.5 months ago, so if he's gonna ridicule me for impersonating her last year then he needs to own up to his part.
    -He saved photos of me with my family and sent them to people to 'embarrass' me or something?
    -He pretended to be someone I know in real life to trick me in order to gain access to my personal Instagram account, screenshot all my posts of me and my friends and sent those to multiple people, as well as all my friends' accounts so that he can contact them and tell them the same bullshit he told my parents when harassing them over email to 'ruin my life'.
    -Pouted to Allie's manager when his favorite song leaked (which was his fault), reported the leak as if he was 100% innocent.
    -Lied to her manager on multiple occasions, sent him edited and manipulated screenshots in order to blame me for impersonating her management to gain new songs.
    -I left his sorry ass after he had a mental breakdown when I confronted him for spreading things I gave him to other people.
    -Actually forced himself to believe that I 'blackmailed' or 'emotionally abused' him for material he gave me which is 200% false.
    -After I blocked him, he sent me tons of messages on Twitter about how he was so happy I blocked him, wouldn't leave me alone.
    -Also sent me 10 or so text messages after I blocked him, would not stop harassing me that day.
    -Kept lying to Andy, and kept texting me that if I didn't stop 'lying to her manager' the FBI would raid my house and that he 'wanted to help prepare me to deal with the FBI' when he was just trying to get me to talk to him after avoiding him for two weeks.
    -Accused all these leaks of being my fault (which none of it was) when it was his fault the first leaks (TT, Perfect Day, etc) happened in the first place by giving those to an idiot that traded them for Bonnie McKee songs.
    -Leaked things for attention because I was trying my best to avoid him.
    -I've had to change my phone number because of him.
    -I am not Amanda, leave her alone.
    I advise anyone to avoid him if possible. Two people can play this game Chase Bigsby. You're a disgusting, mentally unstable, psychopath. You need serious help. If you continue this harassment your parents will be contacted and we will be liable to charge you with harassment.
  18. Uranis liked a post in a topic by Bekim in ALLIE X   
  19. Uranis liked a post in a topic by mgreene in ALLIE X   
    I thought you were stopping? Please stop. I bet you ._. this is insane.
  20. Uranis liked a post in a topic by MirandaCosgrove in ALLIE X   
  21. Uranis liked a post in a topic by mgreene in ALLIE X   
    They never hacked it. They just impersonated using a similar email. Anyway, can you seriously stop? Just stop.
  22. Uranis liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in ALLIE X   
    this is the most popping thread on this site...

  23. Uranis liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in ALLIE X   
    time present and time past
  24. Uranis liked a post in a topic by mgreene in ALLIE X   
    The only people who don't like me are you and jack for the most part. Atom called a truce~ In general, I'm not rude. I've only been like this because of the goings on. Look at my posts from times there's not some bullshit drama. Take your sweeping generalizations and go and be sadistic somewhere else or the yee naaldlooshi will come for you. And literally no one here has duplicate accounts.
  25. Uranis liked a post in a topic by mgreene in ALLIE X   
    No, it simply doesn't. How stupid can you be? I admitted I'm being rude as well, but I'm sick of all of this, and as I said, you're just making it worse with your pettiness. You keep doing shit that makes no sense. And again, hypocrisy has nothing to do with logicality. It's called the tu quoque fallacy (you also); just because I may be being hypocritical doesn't mean my point isn't correct. My rudeness is coming from a place of anger, while yours is just because you are simply rude.
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