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  1. Great. We might not even get to see the film.
  2. Claiming Lana's team is the problem would be as absurd as saying it's the police's fault for soi many shootings. Lana's team probably work(ed) their asses off to prevent YAIL from leaking. The REAL problem is the people who leaked information. This includes lyrics, picture, audio etc. You should be shaming those people. Do you think Lana's team tried to prevent songs such as BBMB, BMD, YTH and Fine China from leaking? I'm pretty sure I had seen most of you begging for those.
  3. Why do yall keep shittíng on Lana's management? They've tried really hard to keep this from happening. Ed is individually reaching out to people on Instagram, they are trying. He even called Elle. I'd really like to see you guys keep a song from leaking, in which you can't do
  4. In my white gogo boots tonight...
  5. Here's a video https://www.instagram.com/p/BQoZcn6Fx3y/
  6. this reminds me of katycats when she had those discoballs lololol..
  7. the location does match up https://www.google.com/maps/place/4220+Sunset+Blvd,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90029/@34.0941199,-118.2823396,3a,75y,228.23h,72.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soVI1bT5SZaqDoecp6_a1Yw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x61ea3c8512f0dd05!8m2!3d34.0940191!4d-118.2824437!6m1!1e1
  8. She also said LIB was for the movie. She also said her lips were real. She also said BTD was her best album. Everything she says is not true
  9. reputation


    Those Casanova snippets so GOOD. yess
  10. He literally said he's has the biggest EC radio since Regan and when called out he claims that's what someone had told him... Yikes
  11. The term 'Young And In Love' reminds me a lot of Beyond And Above
  12. reputation

    Katy Perry

    its actually a pretty cute song. but def not TG worthy. im shocked
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